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Leonardo DiCaprio Shamed For Dating 19 Year Old Woman - MGTOW

Published on 16 Feb 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry. I'll get to DiCaprio making feminists go crazy because he's supposedly dating a 19 year old in a moment. But first Terry said this briefly and I quote: "When I was in High School back in day I became friends with one of the Janitors! He shared a story that all the Janitors fight to clean the Woman's sport locker room but want to clean the boys sport place because it so much easier! I always seem to remember that fact!" unquote. There really isn't much there to cover and make a full video on Terry. You don't even have to go into a woman's bathoom to see how bad things are. If you're ever lived with a woman all you have to do is look at her dusty cosmetics and the mess she usually leaves behind. Or look at how dirty the interior of most women's cars are. Full of trash everywhere. But I'm sure everyone wants to know what the hell is going on with DiCaprio and how he's making women lose their minds now that he's 48 and dating an 19-year-old supposedly. I believe it was confirmed that he wasn't but it was enough to make women like Katherine Ryan a 39 year-old Canadian Comedia label him as creepy. One of her fans asked the question what crime did Leo commit and she said no crime just a creepy pattern. She probably had a crush on him growing up and is upset that he's not dating women his own age or slightly younger so that she might get a chance. She's probably hoping to create some sort of sexual tension and he'll respond back. He's too smart for that if that's her plan. Another woman named Caitlin Moran said that it looks like he has Titanic trauma and that Eden the 19 year old woman he was seen with wasn't even born when Titanic came out. The attacks keep coming. Basically saying Eden was still in high school when Covid began and that 'DiCaprio’s girlfriend is so young she probably studied the Romeo and Juliet film he starred in when she was at school.' A really funny one from Ryan was that 'Leonardo DiCaprio is only worried about climate change because he wants to leave a better world for his girlfriends. Eden is a model and DiCaprio was seated next to her at a release party. Victoria Lamas his current girlfriend as far as we know is 23 and probably still has another good year with him ahead of her. After that it's out with the old and in with the hoe. Lamas might already be gone as they were last seen together on new years eve. Maybe Leo was dating 19 year old Eden but was just testing to see the reaction from the public? But he hasn't been seen with Lamas since new years and has been on outings on his yacht and seen enjoying boys night out at Lakers games. I think recently he might be losing his mojo because he recently dated Gigi Hadid a 27 year old single mother briefly. This is probably giving older women everywhere some hope that he's going to lower his standards and pull a Keanu Reeves and date a Skunk haired skank. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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Toki 2 years ago

If that photo is a 19 year old she looks like she already has countless miles and baggage already.

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zdoctor 2 years ago

deCaprio is a god and 100% correct.

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csehszlovakze 2 years ago

why do murricans walk around in their homes with shoes on anyway? it's disgusting!

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havok545 2 years ago

DiCaprio's a fricken genius!!!

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Damn. If they raise the age limit, of consent or datability, either Leo will have a shorter time to break them in for Hollywood or he will be spending most of his time overseas in countries with lower age limits. So, lil Leo was a child actor once upon long time ago and likely knew the "casting couch" so he probably learned from pedos, the younger they are, the younger you feel. When they start making you feel old, pass them around and get a younger one. You might think this cruel, but hey, you're not a rich pedo are you! (Not that I support them or anything.) I mean I would to watch pedos hanging from the trees by their balls high enough that when their balls tear off, they can still hang from their necks with nooses-- er nice? until dead knowing the agony of having their balls ripped off by the weight of their fat asses... and that's still too generous for them. However, I add one caveat: If the bitch lied... then the man tried. It was not his fault But, the real question is why are you trying to date her in this day and age? Just buy a doll or two! Or go to an island-- err I guess Pedo Island's a thing?! I was thinking Oceania and SE Asia...

Back to my the younger they are... there was a line in one of Matthew McConaughey's movie, he said that line about women staying the same as he got older as he dated High School chicks... Dazed and Confused in 1993 I believe was the movie. This is very likely the attitude in Pedowood.

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