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Let Reality Win Your Arguments & Crush Your Enemies: A Lesson in Non-Violence

Published on 08 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation
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Stalwart 8 months ago

This is excellent, and it's what I've been thinking for years, that reality does the punishing, even if people deny it. Reality speaks loudly, as well, but people deafen themselves to it. Evil also isn't just evil because it's on some arbitrary list, and likewise good. They are what they are because of the real consequences of actions, whether parasitic or symbiotic. If people are determined to reject reality, then they are the enemies of it, and of themselves, and such behavior is not sustainable. So in a way, the judgment is built-in. However, I suspect there will be an additional judgment. Chris Langan (highest IQ in North America, and possibly the world, somewhere around 195-220) suggests that reality is an evolving stratified mind, where consciousness is a fundamental property of it, with purpose and intent at the highest level and not just at our's. God's house is a house of order, as the Bible mentions, and basically, if we deviate too far from order, which includes providing some useful utility back to reality, that we may be dropped from reality. Langan says this can (and is likely) to happen at a societal level, calling it a "global wipe". He says we must essentially enter through a Christ-shaped door to be able to move forward. That is to say, we must be symbiotic and concerned with truth/reality, it order to be sustainable. Langan has developed a theory of everything, called the CTMU (Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe) which covers all of this. Through it, he says he can even prove the existence of God. I don't think he's without flaw, but a great deal of what he says makes A LOT of sense, and I think we should all be seriously considering what he says.

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