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Published on 17 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

That is about how long these sodomites should be allowed to protest here.


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joolco22 1 year ago

Stupid is as stupid does

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bigintol03 1 year ago

That made me really happy!

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It's one thing to be gay, and it's another to be pushing wicked agendas.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: PREACH!

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: A little off topic, but do you know of a TV show called "Black Snow"? The reason in asking is it's an Australian show and it's now being shown here in the USA on the AMC network, and I'm having a hard time getting into it, I'm wondering if I should keep watching to see if it gets any better or am I wasting my time?

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@bigintol03: I have NO idea about it.... NONE what so ever. Never even heard of it. Honest. I gave my TV away around 12 years ago... I just HATE the Australian TV stations... networks... If I am not prepared to deal with people who compromise me and lie to me and fuck me around with their staged managed shit, out on the streets, then why should I turn the idiot box on, and invite them into my home? I am not saying that ALL shows on TV in Australia are absolute crap - just so many of them are, and the ratio of shit to worthwhile is stacked so far into the "I want to throw bricks at the TV" - they are not even worth having in the home, much less turning on.....

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@bigintol03: I grew up in the Errror (Era) when "Neighbours" started up - and the site "Ramsay Street" was not far away, the channel 10 studios were close by too, and Iused to ride past the studios every day on the way to school.... And Neighbours was being pushed down the throats of everyone dumb enough to watch that shit.. The TV filming site - just another street in suburbia, the studios - just another HUGE purpose built building in suburbia - And the TV show - absolute moronic crap.... absolute fucking bullshit..... I knew two of the producers - both fucking idiot heroin addicts and their bullshit relationship... These fucking morons should have the absolute shit punched out of them.... Neighbours the TV show, should be recalled "Crazies".....

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: That's cool, just thought I'd ask!

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@bigintol03: Do what I do with the free action movies online.... "Ohhhhh Space War Monsters from the 55th Century!" - After the first few minutes, if it's looking cheap, poorly produced, lame screen drama..... well skip watch it - watch 5 or 30 seconds, jump 10 minutes, watch, jump 10 or 20 minutes, find the action bits... and well it's just lots of screaming, stupid people, cheap sets and bottom dollar CGI for about a minute or two, through the whole movie... and then I just shit can 2 hours of crap in 5 or 10 minutes. Do it with the Australian TV shows... All of them in fact. If it's just cheap shit scenes of squabbling and conflict, and very little substance - dump it....

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@bigintol03: Yeah - a disclaimer - just because I rode past the studios twice daily on the way to school, just means that I rode my bicycle past it on the way to school... nothing more. If it had of been a shopping centre, that would have been useful and good.... The TV studios were just a crappy dump of a building on a minor plateau...

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@bigintol03: Channel 10 studios was and is a dump - that's filled with liars, cheats and thieves......

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