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Liam Halligan- Is the Electric Vehicle revolution in danger of going flat-

Published on 03 Dec 2021 / In Film & Animation

In the UK we once (in my lifetime as well) had a massive infestructure of "EV's". Yep it's true, they were called TRAM's and TROLLEYBUSES. Yep up until the Mid 1970's many Towns nether lone Cities has Electric transport system's. for some it has returned in the form of the tram, also we have the bus way's where perfectly conventional buses can enter a high speed cross country Bus Way with nothing more than a couple of shopping trolley wheels bolted to the front? Our tram infestructure by 1900 was the biggest in the world, all electric, but the British sickness or bordom and penny pinching destroyed the lot in favor of the Car. Now they struggle to find old railway lines and track bed's the NIMBY's don't want to give back. If any UK covernment want's to EV use to death it is going to have to be investment in Public transport. Having now been at War with the public for tow years+ money is scarce because they have wasted it on imaginary viruses and bulshi way's of controlling us? So who the fuck can afford an electric Car? fuck I cant even afford a basic electric Bicycle! and where is all this Zero emmision electricity going to come from, the few Nuclear power stations we have are fucking falling to bit's and are 40+ years out of date due to penny pinching for war and politicians Jollies. These Cunts have raided the Cooky Jar to the point there isn't even a crumb left? If thet want this country moving again it will have to be Tram and Trolley's and SOME fossel vehicles like buses. Bonkers Boris talks about electric Trucks taking lecky from over head wires on the motorway's? i was reading you could build 3 or more tram's for the price of one Truck Cab unit? Maybe they won't have to spend a penny excuse the pun, because we will all either be dead or still in lock dowen dopped up to the eye balls on their booster BULLSHIT. Zegar and Evans got it well wrong with the song "In the year 2525! lol! We are all including government FUCKED if Government doesn't change? We cant do anything they have stripped us of any control and apathy will rule for generations, anything they say or do won't ever stop ME from assuming they are lying, and that is the biggest hurdle the have to conquor first and fast? sorry for the long rant, but we had the system and the resource and they destroyed it years ago.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

This site needs to be changed. I had to actively search for recent videos that were not being shown to me.
Only a handful of members have their videos popping up.
Everyone knows about Terrence, TFM and RPM, and "women bad", "dolls good"... There's more in this world to know about, and although the crowd here is vigorously focused on those topics, if that's all that matters, this site is not going to be around for long.
I know there's "alternative" lifestyle videos (off grid life, construction with whatever is available, etc...), people have told me about them, I can't find them.
Informative videos such as this, are for some reason, almost invisible.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Thank you. what I post is stuff that is in some way MGTOW or MALE related, along with a few funnies of course. but screaming women and header pic's with photoshopped unrealistic Asses doesn't do it for me, never did. It show's a frustration because just maybe some cant face the real world and inform, warn and even laugh at this shit hole we were born to? so glad you pointed out what you did. We seriously as MGTOW's have to watch the real Gynocentric Matriarchal world or we will get taken by surprise. I stopped fucking women because women started to fuck me, if you see what I mean? there is a need to be a bit more philosophical, Tit's and Pussy that apparently MEN are rejecting seem's to fill to much of the site? Outside of reminding Guy's how MORONIC women are and they are to still crave their Validation, that is all that should be about women. as for Sexbot's Doll's and womb's? To me that shows a total failure to accept being a MAN who is MGTOW. sexbot's and such just tell me there are plenty of simps that say they are MGTOW but in reality are NOT. they are still firmly entrenched in the Matriarchy?

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bigintol03 3 years ago

The EV stuff will eventually get better...STOP RUSHING IT!!!

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

Battery powered cars are not the future. Cost wise, batteries are terrible, and have been for decades. On the environmental side, batteries are way worse than petrol, just no one talks about it, the amount of chemicals dumped to the ecosystems is appalling. And if for nothing else, it is not practical, and charging your car is not cheaper than filling it with liquid fuel. I'm not sure if Toyota is right, but is a better solution for sure. And don't forget the dozens of engines buried in basements owned by the shells and BPs of this world. If the technology they have was to be made public... Unfortunately many inventors have died for what they've created.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: excellent point! And you're right about inventors and their research "disappearing"!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: Governments have got it into their deluded minds that air is a bad thing, but the Earth copes with it all?Environment to them is about AIR pollution, they forget the other harmful shit like chemical's and poison', some of which they are happily untested jabbing in OUR arm's? This ZRERO thing by blah blah blah is BULLSHIT, they are trying to play God without foreseeing the REAL out come? This exact same type of thing socially happened with the Inquisition's and the Religious Purges way back in history, we are heading to a new DARK AGE, coaused by moron's that have big narcissistic ego's and NO Brain's, A GOD complex I would call it. Control and power to them is like getting an urge to wank and doinbg it when ever they can because we allow then to? Sad to say and to be controversial but the way forward is individual EV's for Individual's. The logical and most cost effective way for ward for the environment is and can still be combustion. but instead of millionjs of car's reduce it to a functioning public utility transport service that works? I spent yessterday with a bee in my bonnet about this EV stuff, and so I went on to YT and found hundreds of video's on many countries that have Tram and Trolley Bus systems. One thing that stood out above everything was many of the POOREST countries had these transport systems ? And they work. Yet here in thew UK especially we are so far behind places liker Mexico, India, aqnd even some of the small unpronounceable states and countries. britianj sold of the family silver decades ago so a few could have a nice party. Now the Party is over, especially the Conservative Party! the don't even have the where with all to want to take the scrap metal left and use that as a basis to "Build back Better"! lol! what a fucking joke that is? foreget private transport with this EV thing and go Public Transport with it? In the UK the Coastal town of Hastings in Kent got rid of their trolley buses decades ago. but the kept one? It I think is known as No 3? Ther fitted it with a Commer van petrol engine and it comes out on special occasions. There are Million;'s of pounds worth of rotting disused buses out there, why not take these buses and engineer then mechanically into Trolley's? All it needs is the removal of the Diesel Engine replace it with an electric motor and use the existing drive train, fuck it cant be that hard to do. Have automatic charging points at EVERY stop is the don't like overhead wires? Yet what do we get? Talk and dead worthless word's and al;l we hear is the rubbing of hands and dick's from the bankers and politicians as they ponder on the wealth they will make without doing a fuck thing in reallit? 2030 or 2050 or when ever ZERO is forced on us will come, nothing would have been dione and who will get it up the ass for the failure?...............Yes that's right "US, all of US.

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