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Liberal Blame Game Begins "Kamala lost because you're racist." | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Published on 07 Nov 2024 / In News & Politics

Home Title Lock: Did you know your home could be stolen right out from under you without you even knowing? Home Title Lock monitors your home's title 24/7 and alerts you to suspicious activity. Don't leave your biggest investment vulnerable to fraud—secure it today! Get 30 Days Free when you sign up using promo code REDACTED at http://hometitlelock.com/redacted

Liberal media lashes out after election night loss. They are throwing the blame at anyone but themselves.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Yeah... Trump is totally Hitler looking people up.. EXCUSE ME, Who has been looking people up for "trespassing" on J6 with no crimes? Totally Trump... right?????? Yeah, fuck off. Murdering babies is NOT reproductive healthcare: It's slaughterhouse himan flesh pipeline for Satanists. Again, FUCK OFF! Racist? The Bitch is dumber than retarded...

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Toki 4 months ago

Why all the lipstick? Is she about to blow a dildo on camera or something? See how far she can go down and leave a ring. Get this hoe off the camera and back in your kitchen you cuck. Replace her with a male host. A mind, a brain, a matter of intellect. Prostitutes don't belong in journalism.
It's funny because the very political problem is right there. Giving women a voice and public exposure. Your ridiculous political game is simply men vs women anyways. You don't want demoncrats? Get the women off the media. That would be a huge start at least.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Huh? You talking about Natali? Or the Demoncratic Whores? Now, I think there's a place for prostitutes in media, sports journalist er uranlists I mean...Sometimes, you need a tight ass to get professional sports athletes to talk.

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Toki 3 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Who gives a damn what some corporate shill athlete wearing a pink cancer ribbon has to say? "Me throw ball into net. Me sign business deal with Chinese sneaker company that rips off the poors."

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Toki 4 months ago

I like your description ad for Home Title Lock. Cute.
First idea that comes to mind about fraud is men letting women into their homes. Home Title Lock won't help if make that mistake.
Also does Home Title Lock mean you don't have to pay property taxes anymore? Because land taxes = You don't own or invest in your land/home at all. You're just renting it from the mafia. So why even bother pretending to be a "home owner?" You're just paying more money to upkeep the Gov's and banker's land/real estate.
What really shocks me is this ad exists. Yet idiots are still reproducing more humans to cause more crime and fraud. That's why there's so much crime. Not enough resources, too many humans.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

ReproductiĂłnis hard wired in our DNA.

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Toki 4 months ago

Yeah I'm really tired of negros and their obnoxious culture. The music, the clown fashion, their loud vocal outbursts, silly car rims, and irresponsible lifestyles. There's a few cool ones around like RPM here on MGTOW tv. I could hang out with him and talk because he's not a typical black man simp who is completely addicted to femon pussy. Black women of course are the worst. The most unappealing, irresponsible, selfish women on Earth. The most obese also.
There's the awful Hispanic gangs as well. But most Hispanics are way more calm and civil than negros. They have a much stronger family unit than modern Caucasians so there's that to consider. Hispanics care more about their own families than political cults and the brainwashed agenda of believing Gov is a good idea in the first place. Gov mafias is why they fled their home country anyways correct? I find it hard to believe they even vote unless you're talking about women voting for welfare. It doesn't matter which cult color they vote for. They get welfare either way.

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