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Libtard Government Servant gets blasted in face for breaking the law and wants to sue Lucifer333 dedication.

Published on 29 Apr 2021 / In News & Politics

This video is dedicated to lucifer333.

Libtards and Feminists have ruined the world.

⁣Pennsylvania v. Mimms is a supreme court case that establishes that an officer is allowed to command you out of your vehicle for a pat down search.

This is a re-post from lucifer333 channel because instead of properly forming an argument against what I told him, he censored me by deleting my comments and blocking me. This shows you his nature, he is a confused libtard. My comment started getting likes, guess that was too much for him to handle.

My basic question is: Why is it a good idea to argue with the police in the streets?

I can find no way this will ever turn out well in the heat of the moment. It doesn't matter how much money you may win if you are dead or permanently injured.

Do not have sympathy for the man in this video. Take a moment to think it through before having the emotional response the media wants to manipulate out of you. At first glance the video looks bad but think it through. The smoothbrain lucifer333 (dons the name of satan, shows you where his mind is at, hopeless reprobate) cannot seem to grasp simple concepts. The video is designed for an emotional reaction it almost looks like a staged psyop. I'm suprised he didn't start saying "I can't breathe!"

The average man is not a lawyer and is not well versed in the law especially in a given local jurisdiction. Oftentimes the police are not experts on the law either. Your goal in a police interaction is to de-escalate and exit the encounter alive without getting hurt. Stop openly challenging police in the streets, you cannot win this way and you are putting yourself and the officers in danger. In america you supposed to fight this out in court if you feel like you were wronged, that is how you can win if you are treated with injustice and this is also how the system improves. Getting yourself killed does not help. In general, physically resisting the police will never go well.

Lucifer333 is a confused swiss libtard who cannot keep up with a simple rational debate. The United States makes Switzerland look like a paradise, The murder rate in switzerland floats around .6/100000 while in the US it is 6/100,000, literally about 10 times the murder rate. Yes the swiss have gun rights but concealed carry of a pistol is rather rare in Switzerland while in the United States it is rather common.

These amateur legal eagles keep getting themselves hurt or killed because they have a political agenda and they are butthurt about the media portraying minorites as being abused by the police which is statistically untrue. Don't listen to the kneejerk reaction of the libtards from Europe. Stop fighting the police in the streets and learn that in life, most things are a comprimise especially when dealing with people with guns. meet people halfway, a lot of people in the US are extremly ⁣narcissistic and they are legends in their own mind so they think they are in the place to tell everyone what to do. The vast majority of all police interactions in the united states are resolved without violence but in this new era of bodycams, people now have the opinion that these violent situations are commonplace. I think the bodycam is a good thing, but keep the overall picture in perspective as well.

The growing libtard majority in the US will get what they wish for soon and the good police will disappear to be replaced with a new form of police that are on a whole new level of corruption like in third world countries. It will likely resemble brazil in the US in the near future. Ordering a person out of a vehicle on a lawful traffic stop is a lawful order and disobeying the order is breaking the law.

some things to consider:

How many times is he going to ask "whats going on?"
What does the guys race have to do with anything?
Why is his cellphone camera on and ready? Its ok to do this but shows you this guy has an axe to grind.
Why is he behaving this way while in uniform? He is paid by the goverment and is on domestic soil he should stop acting so entitled as a person working for the military he is paid by taxes. Nobody owes him anything just because he is in the military.
Tints are illegal in Virginia. Tag improperly displayed. Dog in car. Disobeyed a lawful order to step out of the vehicle. These are all reasons he will likely lose the lawsuit because it is reasonable to ask him to step out of the car.
Why is lucifer333 a confused libtard reprobate that likes to censor people?

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4 years ago  

All I gotta say is "Damn nigger !!!"

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

A lot like homeland security agents over weight fat. A friend went through their 7 month training years ago and they tell you in class you are now GODS before graduation. My local sheriff came from Florida where 15 yrs ago the justice dept told that dept either quit or be fired to everyone. These people are yes people. I could careless about what happened on in the video from personal experience and knowing people on the force they are not right in the head they think they are little gods. Reminds me years ago with the russians who were doing a lot of terror locally in the 90s. The sheriffs would sit down at the firehall refusing to answer 911 calls wanting to go home at night. Now they have ATVs designed for Afghanistan. 3 miles from me a man did not show up to an ex wifes court case. Homeland security,sheriff,2 other city police depts showed up someone said shots fired and they plowed right through his garage killing the man who had no weapon. I trust none of them. Look at the kid trying to get into the states and he had no weapon. DHS shot him in the chest and no lawsuit over his torso fell on to the mexican border his legs were in us territory but how the law i read goes you have to have upper body within the border of the usa for your mexican family to sue the us govt.

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Max_Dominate 4 years ago

He should have gotten out of the vehicle and complied. That would have been easier. Having said that, these copies were complete dicks.

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Mustang 4 years ago

Why in the world did they need to pull their guns for a simple traffic stop?!?!?! And the Cops wonder why they are hated so much. SMH.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

Thank you for the comment, open dialogue is important. some police are high strung. I agree it may be an over reaction but I want you to consider something, nobody has been shown what happened before the traffic stop and we don't know the whole story. The reason they may have reacted that way is due to the tints and this video has political motivations for sure. Also keep in mind the cops are allowed to do a lot of things you wouldn't believe. Sometimes what is right and what is allowed is not consistent. Every traffic stop is legal until a judge says it isn't.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

He still has Rights he ask (What is the problem IE Why are you pulling me over ) The Police need a reason to ask you for id or pull you over . Reasonable cause . State the code ( us,146,*** (Speeding ?) Then he would comply. The Police have to obey the law too.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

Its been a hard conclusion for me to come to, but when it comes to citizen interaction with police your rights are not as strong as you would think. Having an understanding of the law helps you set the right expectations so you will likely not act this way. Unfortunately, the average IQ in this country is falling rapidly so its best to just try to explain quick and easy. In this situation, the officer immediately commanding him out of the vehicle is lawful and he is supposed to obey. He does not have to explain the cause up front.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

Its even worse when you read about things like qualified immunity and such. This is very low on the totem pole on how badly you can be screwed over by the police.

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Mustang 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Yep, just look what happened to Rudy this morning.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I agree that our culture has changed and the lines are darwn in a bad shade of gray . But this man posed no threat and was calm the police are supposed to deescalate the situation . Do you think they accomplished this in this stop. This is in there training . I think they failed and if he were injured in the stop a Judge may see it that way too. A good attorney would make sure this was pointed out in several ways . If we give up our Rights we will never get them back . Just my opinion .

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: I hate to say it but we never had the rights we just thought we did. I think the only alternative choice would just be to let the guy go haha because he wasn't going to listen. The police are allowed to use force to accomplish the ends they seek. The harder you fight them the worse it will get for you, they have a song about it haha. The police are the enforcement arm of the government, and the government is a monopoly power on violence. Even the supreme court agrees. I don't like it either, I don't think its right but with the way the laws are, the driver is in the wrong.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Mustang: (? what happened to Rudy this morning.) Not sure what this is , I have not seen the NEWS Today .

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Oh and I guess I would ask you, consider if you are allowed to ask him to get out of the vehicle and he won't do it, what would you do to get him out? I'm not asking to bother you I really want to hear what you think.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: It would be even worse for me ! I open carry a shotgun Pistol. 8>0

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Somehow I missed your Q a month ago SS - Like I my first comment--- If the cop gives him the reason for the pull over and he still does not comply .. Then full force IE taser , pepper spray or --> just shoot the guy

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