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Life in Colombia.

Published on 15 Jul 2024 / In Travel & Events

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Councilof1 2 months ago

And that's why I like where I currently live. Violence is quite rare. Although that's beginning to change in certain areas.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

Immigration is CLASS WARFARE! .. the stimulus was a sprinkle.. here now gone tomorrow.. we get doses.. nothing stable.. living in a financial vacuum.. seems the stimulus money 3 trillion is wearing off now.. prime rate at 8.5% for a year.. we need more money.. If they give me more credit.. and I dont mean chump change., I will do the right thing and spend it and default.. but I got MY 16,000 out of the stimulus..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I had to work for it but that is about my savings from it..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

16,000 in savings from stimulus.. in America they owed that to us.. hope everybody else , US citizens got theirs.. ;)

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

16,000 in cash to do what YOU want.. its our money.. and the places you spend it can earn it.. we were robbed..

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 2 months ago

Whenever this happens, NEVER take the knife out until medical professionals arrive! And if medical professionals can't arrive before the victim bleeds out, remove the knife, throw on disinfectant (and if that's not available, any type of alcohol you can find, worst case scenario spray on deodorant... basically anything that has ethanol), and bandage the person up with preferably a sanitary bandage (clean t-shirt, towel), but, if possible, actual bandage material. Feel bad for that waiter... especially since he was probably only making $0.040/hour....

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 months ago

That’s another day in black communities here in America. This guy seemed more of a nutcase than a criminal. The walked all around el centro at night in Medellin. Crazies don’t mess with me.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 months ago

You know "el centro" means downtown, right?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I've had mexican and cuban friends.. in school.. so I see young people who think all the older people who want borders and deportations are racist.. because they have hispanic friends from school.. but, the truth is, that immigration is just being used for slavery.. to enslave them and to enslave us.. and I don't plan on learning spanish anytime soon.. I took spanish twice in middle school and had a mexican friend Danny Trevino.. https://pubapps.fdc.myflorida.....com/offenderSearch/d

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

Danny's cousin Jose Trevino was a grade older and was an ass hole.. well, the etory goes Danny took the fall for jose on tyhe murder.. then jose died.. murdered maybe ? anyways they all want danny out now because it was his cousin who killed the guy.. Danny brother and sister look hust like him.. they are tall.. spanish I guess not indigenous ..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

Danny was alright. he hung around other farm worker kids.. and just too disrespectful.. not unfriendly ,, uh, culturally different..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I mean he might say the wrong thing about your gf.. which to me is always a very touchy subject. not really for discussion..

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 months ago

Pero ya sabes que el español es el idioma de España. Saber hablar español no es saber hablar mexicano. Del otro lado del océano, viven bajo la ilusión de que los mexicanos son hispanos. No son.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I saw Dannys brother at wal-mart about a year ago.. cool looking dude.. I mean he can get the women..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

@The Man Inside: well, my spanish teacher mrs demarest was quite clear on that. and I have stated many times about the different types of people south of the border..

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