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Life of the Average Zoomer Male

Published on 11 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

A World Without Men:

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Furioso 1 year ago

Our modern society reject and emasculate men ,i like many others have no reasons to give my tax money to a system that have nothing to offer me and further destroy even more the country with their woke agenda .Problem is ,i would want to go to war against these fuckers but my people (French) is weak ,stupid ,coward and don't have fire arms like American .I have no dream anymore ,no hope (maybe a little) ,i don't have friends anymore (I always have before i realize how this fucking world really is and how it works) all of this because of the red pill (the true) ,i'm not a zoomer and i'm not suicidal but you perfectly describe my life ,i despise our government officials and their masters so much that my hate forbid me to commit suicide ,i wait for the day i could possibly put my hands on them ,it's the only motivation i have now .One more thing ,i am not an incel ,i can have intercourse with these whores if i really want to but these modern bitches disgust me and have the power of the state over me .I wait patiently the complete fall of the system because it's inevitable and it's wanted by our elites to impose their NWO on us ,my people will have the choice between these 2 options : unite ,fight for your human rights and liberty maybe die tryin or submit your entire life and freedom to those in charge ,these elites want chaos ,destruction and enough dead bodies to show themselves after the party and present themselves to us as our saviors ,that's the plan

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