2:25 : "and we've never allowed ourselves to ask the question..." : wrong, the pharmaceutical maffia has never allowed us to ask the question; with support from government and the msm.
I'm a military brat so I've got the full shot list from the 1980s......out of the 4 kids I'm part of I'm deff a fckn idiot and slow as hell.....also the only one with asthma. More and more....if I ever do wind up with children, they will not be jabbed with anything and I don't give a fuck what anyone says about it. Especially now with these filth trying to add mrna shit to the required listing.
Jab them with English Orange Marmelaide and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. They will love you forever.
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2:25 : "and we've never allowed ourselves to ask the question..." : wrong, the pharmaceutical maffia has never allowed us to ask the question; with support from government and the msm.
independent studies have been done on the death vaxx...
all of them have shown that there is poison/venom/graphine in the death vaxx...
I'm a military brat so I've got the full shot list from the 1980s......out of the 4 kids I'm part of I'm deff a fckn idiot and slow as hell.....also the only one with asthma.
More and more....if I ever do wind up with children, they will not be jabbed with anything and I don't give a fuck what anyone says about it. Especially now with these filth trying to add mrna shit to the required listing.