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Living Without Her - MGTOW

Published on 20 Dec 2019 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tommy Gun and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Here are thoughts on my life as a "handsome" and highly desired man that's gone FULL MGTOW MONK. No woman in particular hurt me more than any other. Part of coming to terms with life events also means coming to terms with the reality of relationships. That is, that pretty much all forms of pleasure, including women, are able to be reduced to nothing more than a dopamine hit for the brain to enjoy. Some provide practical benefit, some do not. For me, being MGTOW is about redirecting pleasure seeking activities away from actions that give a fast easy dopamine hit with little practical benefit and direct myself toward action that provide longer term benefit. Like drinking black coffee instead of white with sugar. Or feeling that achievement when exercising instead of the happiness of eating lots and relaxing. If pleasure can be found in such things, we can train ourselves to obtain that (lesser) short term satisfaction, yet also obtain the longer term benefits in terms of career and wealth building and the freedom that comes with that in the later years of life. MGTOW is just a symptom of that relization. Sure... It begins with the realization that men are getting a bad deal in relationships and marrage, but becoming a "MGTOW MONK" is actually just the beginning of much greater things on the horizon. By eliminating "easy" daily dopamine hits from things like the satisfaction of a vag in my face or a female human showing her teeth in appreciation of my joke, the brain must learn to obtain dopamine from achievement instead. Until females were wiped off the playing board of my life, I had no idea of the freedom of thought, time and emotional energy it brings. I had no idea of the giant void it would create. I now have a blank canvas on which to paint my goals and dreams. Without a partner or one night stands, my life remains surgically sterile operating environment. A castle fit for a king must be built on stable ground. Events in the kingdom must be forseen and controlled. This way a man can ACT instead of RE-ACT in the world. It's about sovereignty and self ownership. Without female in the mix, I have a very clear plan. Get flying in an A320 aircraft. Pilot my way to financial security by living a "normal" life in Vietnam spending 20k per year, and saving 100k as a pilot in my current career. Direct time and funds into hotel software/educational software. Expand that business. Then eventually quit flying and spend every day making millions. At that point aviations position as an enabler in my life is now plan B. If business doesn't work, the flying that funded the business will still be there. Every time I have tried to get anywhere in life, time and time again, either directly or indirectly, my downfall has had females involved. Even the times when I wasn't falling down, I was just stagnent. Fat dumb and happy with a girl on each thumb.... Litterally. At one point, I was taking Vietnamese girls on group dates 20 at one table while I sat there in a Ralph Lauren bathrobe... I lived every mans dream. But now I realize I was just a foolish idiot obtaining self esteem in all the wrong places. Just another stupid male human carrying out his sexual reproductive programming. I was stuck half way up Maslows pyramid of needs seeking love and affection in order to obtain self value.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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4 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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2. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-298914703/stoc

3. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-259340863/stoc

4. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-301390813/stoc

5. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-269762521/stoc

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

great catch........... making money , with no plan for it , is a terrrible waste

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

this guy is not a self starter........do-ers do, talkers talk.........MEN only need females for sex.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

the originator forgets that society /species need reproduction to survive..........what to do?

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