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Lollipop Chainsaw RePop embraces HOT, CURVY FEMALES - cue the feminist harpy screeching

23 Vues
Publié le 08 Sep 2024 / Dans Gaming

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis  

i have never played this game, but i like what some game devs are doing with this game for the gamers and not stupid activist morons who only want to destroy the industry.

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Exactly awesum had no idea about this game kinda reminds me of Heavenly Sword off the PS3 aka GAYSTATION3 except its Cheerleader VS Zombies all right Fuck yeah better than those in the Zombieland movies that's for Fucking sure haha \G/

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: well this was a PlayStation game originally.

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If I am hearing correct that Chainsaw Man has gone woke and caved in GOD I HOPE NOT

Then Welcome Have CHAINSAW WOMAN with Real Big Tits and Bigger Balls than Chainsaw Man haha \G/

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Dr DISASTER looks a lot like DOOMCOCK so thanks for introducing him to me gonna see if I can get his JEWTUBE CHANNEL over on new pipe now that I Dumped and throw that JEWTUBE Trash into the Dumpster fire that it is \G/

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

i haven't used newpip in years, but the last time i used it, it had issues, maybe they updated it to work better since?

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@KEEPER: @KEEPER: Yeah New pipe if fucking Awesum their Latest version I downloaded to my android phone and works way better still a few bugs here and there nothing to breaking and wanting to uninstall then again I am BoomerTech and you might find more than me I keep it simple and get the videos I need to upload over here after they tried fucking up the Links back in Feb/March and the Grabber Upload feature wasn't working after they had server Migrated I had wanted to upload some of these videos since that far back. The Version I downloaded from F-DROID is New pipe Version 0.27.2 (999) made or patched from July 30 2024 their latest so far hope that helps and have fun laying the pipe to them Waifus haha ;D \G/

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Toki 7 mois depuis

I like the first Bloodrayne game. Never tried Lollipop Chainsaw though. Her costume and hair are top tier.

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That's the first thing you notice and not the Jiggle Physics, You sure you suffer from Waifu Syndrome like me or just acting haha jk

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The main character looks like a copycat Cheer leader version of MIA FROM RETURN TO MIA ;D

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i probably shouldn't admit this, but after seeing her face i wanted to see her in a porn, lol and i found some pretty good ones, but i'm not really into animation porn, i was into that stuff when i was younger though.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: she does have some jiggle physics, but they look very stiff, and not really all that realistic on her chest, however her skirt seems to have good physics, i hope they allow the game to be modified, that way people can make her do whatever they want.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

i don't trust PlayStation though, yes the game dev said there will be no censorship, but my question is for how long? because i feel like playstation will come in at some later time and strip the game of it's content because they own the IP, PlayStation just had to move to commifornia, why can't they be smart like Elon Musk and move the hell out of that shitshow location, the politics of that state obviously control them.

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@KEEPER: Haha do tell where you found that. Yeah she is probably on Rule 34 already or soon to be and depends there is some High Quality Vanilla LARA CROFT PORN ON RULE 34 that would make you think it's a real Sex scene in a Real Movie that good and yeah some other weird animated ones as well. You might not be seen ever again if your into NIER 2B they done her real Good and AI wow just don't break your arm chasing the dragon haha :D and yeah it is GAYSTATION after all they will definitely try to censor someway down the line because it's what they do RGE said it best anything "PUBLISHED BY SOYNY AND GAYSTATION" can get fucked the way they betrayed REAL TRUE GAMERS fuck em and he wants them to go BANKRUPT so do I. \G/

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I bet they will censor outfits or some DLC down the road for this game in some way and then kill it off RGE has seen it happen with some of his favorite and great Hentai Games and if they do it to Hentai what's not to stop them from doing it to regular normal games we will see as I heard they are pulling the shite with StellarBlade Drip by drip so no one notices and it was good and had hype now for me it's like Meh Mid blade more like haha \G/

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I really like female hair styles. One reason why waifus are amazing.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: Yeah I expect a bait and switch as usual. They need to focus on PC only.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Fairly sure I've seen her outfit in Honey Select. Talking about this character lately I made a new folder recently. Found some good Juliet content. She's my main type of Aryan blonde with bright eyes.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: well i just remember both games of what happened with Steller blade and the helldivers game, they released saying they weren't going to focus on censoring the game or the content, but they both did this, stellar blade however got a huge backlash and the players set things right, but with helldivers, they already made the money from the players only to make this decision down the road, you can't trust these people, this is why i feel Sony will face the backlash just as many of these other game developer's who try the same shit.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: Even more important to me is the pricing. The original I hope is a solid one time purchase. You buy the game and receive the entire game with bonus content as rewards in the game. With this remaster they will monetize bonus content. I want to play video games not go e-shopping. Not even for waifus. Because character skin mods should be free open source. Stellar Babe monetized skins therefore it's justified to pirate it. Also where are the disc copies? This is communism, not property ownership.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: oh, i didn't know about that, wow, that's pretty bad of them. there are disk copies for the PlayStation version of the game, they don't do that with PC anymore. i remember when one of my friends went to a game stop to purchase skyrim on PC and they sold the game to him on a disk, but it still required him to download the game on steam and have an online internet connection, that to me was bullshit, that kind of shit makes me mad, because there could be months where you may not be able to pay for online access, does this mean you have no access to your games because you have no online capability? the answer is yes, and it really sucks because sometimes people fall on hard times and they have to prioritize their bills but it would be nice the game still worked without internet if it's a single player game.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

the always online stuff needs to go for single player games.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: Yeah but does the Playstation disc work without an ethernet cable? It is a single player game and all. Games work offline if you get them on Steamunlocked or FitGirlRepacks. Recently got Borderlands 1 remaster on Steamunlocked. Less HD space, better performance, no apps, and Steam doesn't work on my PC because I'm a poor. I can't afford consoles because those are more expensive than PC. You need to buy a new console every year to replace it similar to how smartphones are programmed to malfunction with the warranty date. Online-only is already solved. On free sites. I wouldn't swipe a disc from a retail store. But internet code such as digital video games should be open source except private information like your credit card or DMs. Remember all these game devs rely on male worker's to pay of their college debts with loan forgiveness. We don't owe game devs shit. It's a cake sit-down job compared to a man's real job. Way overvalued. Entertainment is extremely overpriced especially when it's dime a dozen of total content out there. Steam will betray you eventually with monthly sub fees and all that. I

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: to be honest with you i have no idea what steam unlocked is, it's never something they advertise, i mean i can go offline on their app, but it's not completely offline, they have some kind of checker program that checks how long a person has been in offline mode, so if i don't have internet in that threshold of time they could pretty much disable the game from working, idk how long that threshold lasts, it could be something like a month, so if the user can't get access to the internet for longer than whatever their threshold is, they can't play their games simply because that's how steam works.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: Steamunlocked is a free site. Unofficial. You download a DRM-free zip or rar package and install a game. FitGirlRepacks even has an online access Borderlands 1 remaster somehow. I don't want to play online thankfully though. Also Steam games fill your PC with arbitrary registry files all over the place. Pirated games do not so it's easy to find all the data files such as the ones that show up in Documents or AppData%. I have Windows 7 so Steam robbed me like communists. GoG still works but real life is expensive enough. If game devs want my money they should join me in ending taxation and Greed from their publishers monetizing content like character skins. Otherwise modern games are like private jets to me. Unaffordable. It's for rich people who collect the taxes and the gaming publisher CEO's kids can afford them in hyper-inflation. I don't buy digital music, film, or books either. It's not real property ownership. All these things should at least be super cheap because they are digital. But a digital film purchase on YT costs more than the DVD plus shipping. Same with e-books in many cases. This is why I'm shocked Steam hasn't gotten away with adding a monthly sub fee yet. WoW does it and idiots pay for it. FF14 does it. PSN and XBOX live do it.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: am i an idiot for not knowing about this steam unlocked or was it just because it's something that's never talked about?

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: i'm the same way, i mean the part about not wanting to play online games, i hate that shit.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: do you know if these games will work for Linux? i don't have Linux yet, but i plan on getting it once Microsoft ends support for win ten which is what i have and i really don't want to move onto the next windows shit show

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: Hey do you like Resident Evil/Biohazard? The classics? I found something really amazing if you love the series. Plus the first three games are easy access open source, modded ready to go with a great randomizer mod filled with random memes. Biorand. v3.2.7 on Github is the latest.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: not really, what is biohazard?

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

oh, my bad, it's just resident evil

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

if it's the classics then no, but then again i have never been interested in those games, the only zombie game i liked was dying light, the first one.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: They ended support for 7 but I still have it. Support = data collection for the most part. I believe FitGirlRepacks has Linux options for downloads. But that's rare. Steamunlocked is simply easy to use. But FitGirl is better overall. A "repack" is the removal of DRM garbage reducing file sizes.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: that's nice, so when you say it's unofficial, do you mean it's not handled by steam, like is it legal?

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: I enjoy that gameplay. Tired of shooters. Borderlands has deep RPG elements and random loot so that's different. Biohazard is the JP name. Fun fact: In JP Street Fighter. M. Bison the black guy boxer. Mike Tyson lol. Vega is the leader in red Gestapo uniform. Vega is a German word. Balrog is the Spanish guy with claws. Random useless but funny trivia.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: Is it legal to breathe oxygen in the Gov's world? No. No it isn't. Is it legal to be a boyfriend, father, or husband? No it seems. Is it legal to buy prostitutes and cocaine? That's what cops, judges, and politiciains are really doing. You're fine as long as you aren't hosting a massive network yourself when it comes to online piracy. I've been pirating for decades due to being poor. Meanwhile other people steal real property at stores in reality but I do not do that. Digital only. That's the entire point of the internet - Internet Archive style. Do voters, women, cops, military, and business suits pirate my income? Yes, yes they do leaving me with no expendable income for anything other than basics. Workplace management = entitled thieves. Investors = entitled thieves. Workers = The heroes of the human species feeding everyone. That's me. An ant worker used and abused then told I'm the bad guy because I downloaded a free zip folder of code that has zero real life value.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: all good points, ok, but is it a pirate site or not? like does steam run it or own it? i'm just confused by the name is all.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: No it's just a name for "unlocking" DRM. Also Steam has a large library of games more so than anywhere else. That's why it's not OriginUnlocked. Also if you're really skilled with PC you can activate Steam achievements or maybe access online content from Steamunlocked downloads. FitGirl trims out the excess Steam files completely = Fit and trim game folders with lower size requirements. That's why it's "FitGirl" plus who doesn't like a fitgirl like Cammy White eh?

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: There's also a site for Steam Workshop download access without using Steam.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: ru huh, i probably wouldn't use that, but i could see that being something at least, i first used steam workshop back in the day when i first got a PC, but the mods were meh most of the time lol. all the good shit was on the Nexus sadly, and back then i thought i would get a virus by using the nexus, but that was mostly due to a message i got from their site that said this nonsense lol, so they did this to themselves, self sabotage just by leaving that message lol.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: i won't lie to you, this all looks very appealing to me, and i might just go for it.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

i don't really care for steam achievement's most of the time, i never get why people like that shit, i remember asking a dude about it once, and he told me it was based on a feeling he got, so it was purely based on chemicals in his brain lol, i looked at him like he was stupid for that reaction lol.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: I appreciate the Russians offering free stuff. We live in global communism for more important real life expenses after all. So digital stuff is nothing. Never had any problems with a computer virus in my whole life. I believe that's false advertising for marketing Norton Anti-virus and such. Steam is a virus infecting your PC with arbitrary DRM files slowing it down. GoG isn't as bad in this regard.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: Achievements were made to encourage people to always be online with every game. I don't care about them either unless it's in the game and rewards you somehow. Borderlands 1 - Kill 500 human enemies = 10,000 XP. The Steam achievements for BL1 = Nothing in game at all. Though there is a cute "Italian Plumber" achievement that involves killing an enemy by stomping on it for the final move. But then there's online achievements so I can never 100% it because I hate playing online unless it's a PvP game like old Battlefield. Coop games online are just a mess of impatient people trying to boss rush/XP boost/etc. NPCs basically. Most people are.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: i have had PC's get viruses before, and they have completely obliterated the PC in the process, sadly it was due to porn sites when i was younger, i don't see that happen much these days i will admit. but i figure that has to do with the protections of my adblocker and tracker blocker that also prevents sites from redirecting the link to some unsecure website, back in the day, we didn't have the adblocker programs that do all these things, so it was easier to get scammed or destroy your PC in the process.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: i agree, the digital stuff shouldn't cost anything if you can't own it, like many people have said, if you don't own it, then it's ok to pirate it.

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Toki 7 mois depuis

@KEEPER: I use blockers also. It's easy to avoid suspicious download buttons. All the sites I sent you seem safe to me. I mean you could get a virus downloading from Nexusmods I guess? Skymods is safe. It's just a crack to access Steam Workshop that you can't download otherwise. I also review zip and rar packages before I unpack and install anything just to be sure. Exe files are the main suspect. I use UBlock and AdGuard combo.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

@Toki: see, i have no idea how to check stuff like that, like again i have only had my own PC for a decade now, and in that time i have learned a lot, but i'm still no expert in all the things that are involved with using a PC, it's very complicated for me to figure some shit out sometimes, i used to be a console gamer, the last console i uses was my 360 and that was it, before that it was xbox modded, i purchased it modded i didn't know shit how it worked or how any of the insides looked i just installed games and played them lol.

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KEEPER 7 mois depuis

i still own the modded xbox and it still works, it's just been collecting dust for a decade or 2 lol.

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