A FIX obviously.Voting is rigged these day's, good Buy London you have only yourselves to blame. what I cant understand is why these CUNT's aren't Assassinated? That's what usually happens in Banana Replublic's isn't it?
@SoloMan Zone: Apathy can be a danger but also in some ways a blessing, because eventually apathy with destroy the opposition when they get no attention.
@SoloMan Zone: Agreedwe are FUCKED collectively, so iut's up to us Individuals to start repairing by ourselves for ourselves. I no longer will VOTE, I don't do RELIGION, No CUNT femon tells be what to do, and the list goes on. I'm ME, I'm HAPPY, with my own money and resourses and above all an independent MIND!
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What a damn shame!
A FIX obviously.Voting is rigged these day's, good Buy London you have only yourselves to blame. what I cant understand is why these CUNT's aren't Assassinated? That's what usually happens in Banana Replublic's isn't it?
Never get tired of queens.