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Look! There is a new "Grand Canyon" in Turkey

Published on 12 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation

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bigintol03 2 years ago


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Yeah..... that's what I mean - the dumb fucks taking acid to go and trip..... I mean reality is so far out - sometimes it's beyond comprehension and hard to deal with.... As in "WOW!" in a great way or in a really fucked way..... BUT shit happens... there is all the timber from the trees that are going too or probably are going to die, and these look like olive trees sooooo and there is plenty of work for new fencing and from about 1:10 onwards, like I am not absolutely certain, but the BIG rocks in the canyon, look like Marble... So you can run a road down into it and set up a mine... AND I am not sure of the topography of the area, and the issues of further siesmic activity - but that fissure MIGHT make a great natural lake etc.. When I drove to Perth in Western Australia - and back - when I was 12.... out in the arid more or less totally flat lands - there was a recent fault line and earth quake - and the road went east to west, and the fault line was about 1.2 to 1.5 meters high, where the continent as far as the eye could see was split in this one long never ending step.... So the road works people just built a long ramp of dirt and gravel and shit - about 150 meters long and put tar macadam on top of it and it was business as usual... But I will never for get it..... flat plain for ever and a BIG vertical step where one side of the content had either sunken or risen by about 1.2 meters.. clean break...

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