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Published on 15 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation
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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Interesting.. though I heard of no evidence in the Artic Circle, but it sounds like this could be the inspiration for Gulliver's Travels...

I believe there are twelve Atlantises. We are told they have ten kings-- I believe nine of those "kings" were governors of outpost... the 10 kings refers to The Spaniard Atlantis just across the Straits of Hercules, ie Gibraltar. I believe Solon confused the Biblical Chaldeans, whose Atlantis sunk during the Exodus as well as their outposts at Santorini and the burial of Akrotiri and the cracked walls of the Knossos Defensive walls at Crete... these three sites were trading outposts. We know Pharaoh Ahmose I, Moses' brother gave them aid despite being hit with the Ten Plagues, literally carved in stone about eight times, c. 1,500 BC recorded during their lifetimes...

I believe Solon confused these "Minoans" or Chaldeans-- the Jews would be familiar with them as Egypt traded with them and awarded them with an Honor of best Goldsmiths Title... Solon confused it with the 11th Atlantis, an older one at The Eye of Africa, where there were once rings of water and rings of islands and a central island with both a hot and cold springs-- those springs have been found, though dried up now. There's a Gaian documentary based on a best selling Visiting Atlantis I believe. I believe the Spaniard Coast Atlantis with its waiting port Island at Donana National (Mud) Park was a colony or a refuge for surviving Atlanteans under King Atlas' bloodline, c 10,000 BC to 9,000 BC, the shift in climate that changed Africa and started the migrations to the Nile with the Rain corrosion on the Sphinx...

Now, the 12th I believe they found during Barrack O'Bomber the American killer president's re-election season 2012 I think, the Pope, the Greek Orthodox's Pope, McClain, and all world leaders descended onto Antarctica, which I believe was a Star Warsy human alien occupied "space port" Atlantis.

There are many "more Atlantises" at their outposts-- one at the 5,000 BC from rearranging Pharaoh's rules, since some coexistence North and South Kingdoms... and it was at Troy, evidence found in lakes and from underground from ground penetrating radars-- that area was seaside until a landslide filled it in and later became Troy...Discovery' Channel's The Hunt for Atlantis documents some of this as well as I believe found the cause of Noah's Flood from a large lake in Sicily that "broke" (Mount Etna) flooding into the Old Sea and pushed it and carved channels to connect to the Black Sea. Settlements prior are still underwater today and at the Dead Sea too.

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