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Lunacy just went to a whole new level

Published on 11 Jan 2022 / In Film & Animation

As TAPMAG would say, "This will make a nice photo in her obituary..."

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Hands up who would like to fuck her?
And why not?

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Max_Dominate 3 years ago

This girl is bug eyed!

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Yeah she is as much fun as falling into a cactus patch.

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@InfiniteMushroom: I have trodden on them, and one of the spines went an inch into my foot... Pulled out pretty easy. "OOooooo that did go in a long way!" I woulf not like to fuck up some how, and land a decent distance into the middle of a big thick patch..... Protect your eyes is about the best advice. Got some pliers is the first thing you ask, if you have to get yourself out.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Where I'm at some of the plants have massive thorns like that cactus does.....damn rattlesnake got behind me and started rattling a foot away while I was carefully cutting it up to burn it.....before I knew it I had a massive thorn sticking out of my DICK! it sucked I needed to keep it wrapped in an iodine soaked bandage with neosporin underneath for over a week! It really sucked no being able to fap but the D doesn't respond well to getting stabbed with massive thorns

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@TheDemonKing: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD place to be cut or stabbed. I am about to pass out just thinking about it......

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 3 years ago

Natural Selection.....

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

All of the woke are purging themselves!
Like all of the globalist marxists in charge and everyone who is important in most medical institutions have openly admitted publicly that the vaccines are turning off killer T cells causing cancer,filled with nano scale razorblades and have increased overall deaths.
You are far more likely to die of well anything and many prominent people world famous doctors have said all these injected people are gonna die within the next few years.
Most of the Woke don't actually have to be killed,they're already lining up to kill themselves. We just have to clean up all the ones who somehow survive this murder injection

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She must be so insane, and so desperate.
Her cunt is over riding her brain cell.

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