M1 Abrams repair #military #usmc #m1abrams #abramstank #army #usa
Published on 11 Mar 2025 / In
M1 Abrams repair #military #usmc #m1abrams #abramstank #army #usa
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FUCKIN AWESUM STILL WONT HELP EM WIN AGAINST CHINA, RUSSIA AND NOW IRAN WEAPONS GOOD LUCK M1 ABRAMS WILL BE GOOD AS SCRAP METAL AGAINST MODIFIED RUSSIAN T90s or Tiger Tanks and if they sucker Japan into war to help Jewmerica Korea will go ape shite on em they better hope they dont go to war many have said it is a great tank just with many problems with all great tanks they are just mobile tin cans until they fry the crew inside and get shredded then all they are good for is scrap metal, sucks yet true.
So it's got a flat tyre?
Why don't they just put more air in it, like everyone else would.