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Madern women created the HOOKER up culture now reap wgat you created bitches

Published on 08 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

Women created the "HOOKER UP" culture as I put it, but naturally it is all MEN's fault, but we know women are to blsame because such a culture would not exist if the women did not flaunt themselves in the war of getting Resourses. It's about supply and Demand. women complain about male abuse yet they put themselves out their like HOOKER's as the supply and Simp's and Cuck's fill in the empty DEMAND box. The results often being womens regret and false alligations against MEN for? Well being MEN! lol! All relationshits for a MAN with any woman is basically a transaction of Prostitution, namely YOU have to pay for the content of her knickers with the content of YOUR wallet, and today that is a dangerous thing to do, because whatever you pay could end up with YOU on the wrong side of the law at the whim of guilt from some unstable regretful "HOOKER/WHORE" At least so called official women of the night have rules (so I'm told)? With the common mentally stressed lunatic fefail you just don't know what you'll get. It's like in a supermarket when they sell of all those canned foods with no labels cheaply, You just don't know what you will get when you open the tin! lol! Guy's ALL women are WHORES, avoid the drama and hassle, spend your money on yourself, but that muscle car you always wanted, have a nice home furnished not to impress a WHORE but to makee YOUR olife comfortable. Peace Gents

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I can hear the words they are going to say, before they say it.....

After all her free range fucking.................

"I felt it was detrimental to my mental health".

I heard that coming......

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And fucking Louise Perry - and her "We are all VIC-TUMS" ----- You chose to go fuck him, you chose to not use contraceptives, your the one who got pregnant as a result of being reckless and stupid ----- HOW in the fuck does this make you a victim of anything? Punch these dumb feminist sluts in the face and kick them back to the gutter where they belong.... Fucking LYING idiots.

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The stupidity and bullshit from the whinging witch at 2:50 + The fuse has just popped inside my head. I need to have a cup of tea, a BEX and a good lie down.....

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