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Published on 25 Oct 2022 / In Film & Animation

Wow if it's true, have not tested yet!
Source=Some rando video from?

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BIGLOAD 2 years ago

Need more Bitches with Ball Gags.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

I watch this video and envision huge 2 thousand pound magnets in a row creatin power plant levels of electricity.. without using coal or nuclear materials.. I think that was the point.. and I think we are capable of these things without a doubt.. but the powers that be want to tax us continuously to keep us all in debt.. it's about slavery.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

I remember when they used terms like . phone line is tied up with a call.. well, today they have communication devices that can modulate and demodulate multiple communications from a data stream on a single wire.. Our phone lines are 2 wires.. a signal and a neutral.. My internet comes through my hardwire phone service.. now , at firdt , dial up they called it.. you could not receive phone calls if you weere online.. but now , today I can be watching 3 you tube videos and a roku movie and have my phone ring and talk oin the phone all on the same 2 wire system which is really only 1 signal wire. . They probly could just use a power line for communications as well.. I prefer the hardline to the cellular or satellite.. I used satellite before.. but I also used the television cable and the phone line for internet.. I do not get a good signal for my cell phone here so my cell phone connects to my wifi instead.. so when I hear people start to claim some law prevents something from happening. .I call rubbish.. The radio signals used to need a much wider band width which limited the channels.. now everyone has a cell phone.. seemingly unlimited users..

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

The FCC "regulates" the frequencies of the radio waves we can "use."

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I think improvments in modulation of the frequencies has enabled a single frequency to carry many users information as it is somehow encrypted with identifer code so , like your cell phone just discards the obsolete information.. and shows what applies to your specific address.. I mean, considering what we know we aree capable of there.. and now we have brushless motors etc.. and noone talks about a self generating motor?? yea, its being shelved.. and we are being played.. just like there is no money shortage.. there are ass hole rich people and slaves..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I have seen the USA let in foreigners and give them free money in the hundreds of thousands.. in cash.. and free housing.. in defaulted over financed houses.. after killing and oppressing Americans for decades.. its because the london catholic cartel wants to undermine US sovereignty.. that the Protestant protestors created..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

imo ;)

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I saw a customer backing up her Tesla and it sounded like a space ship taking off.. heheh.. I wonder if that is just the true sound of the electric motors and speed controller.. we are progressing but the poverty and abuse seems to carry on.. the extension cord I am assuming charges up the car's batteries ,, was plugged into a simple 20 amp 120 volt outlet..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: read and learn buddy.. You will probly see free energy in your lifetime.. it's a leadership issue imo.. the rich get their slaves..

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@jim bennett: OH that? Giving away free money? That's just every day ending in day... nothing new here. Well, at least I the 80s and 90s they rolled up the dollar to snort cocaine: Now, it's just pathetic...

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@jim bennett: oh that? The battery cars kept running over blind people; so, they added sounds and speakers to warn the blind people!?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: During bush the lesser they loaned a million dollars to 10 dollar an hour housekeepers.. and half of it to buy the house the other half was refinanced out on the appreciation over like 5 years.. 2002 - 2007// PAYMENT OPTION ARMS..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

using payment option arm mortgages.. 3 payment optionsd for 3 years at which time they would reset.. payment through the roof at whbich tiome they refinanced again if they even weaited that long.. 100,000 in a year free money. . I am not just talking here I am informing the people of facts..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

This is what caused home values to soar.. and housing to crash.. PAYMENT OPTION ARM MORTGAGES..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

The thrift etc bank regulatorsd issued guidance regulation twice in 2006 which cut p[eople off from that type of mortgage.. foreign scum getting free money from banker scum.. under the watchful eye of president scum.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: hey, I would see immigrants buying very expensive things when bush the lesser was president.. I would look up their address in the county appraisers website.. get their names and look that up in the official records on the clerk of the circuit courts website.. I would see their mortgages and everything.. they would refinance their mortgages higher and higher.. taking out 60,000 in cash overnight.. that is how they got a foothold here.. and the bankls really just did this for immigrants.. AND THEN!! they claimed victim status and were let to stay for free for 7 years after the crash.,. well 2006 - 2013ish.. I told people at the newspaper.. crickets.. They got subsidy that most Americans did not get.. noone goes against the immigrant word in public.. it's insane.. Truimp finally started to but he did not tell everyone how they got free cash and then house.. to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars each.. The foreclosures show,, bank paid their property taxes.. intererest.. etc.. and I am talking from 180,000 original mortgage to like 350, debt.. for 20's something cubans.. and I see old American ladies living in back porches etc.. this country is toatally screwed.. with the banks.. and open border nonsense..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

Then me and others would be speaking about these things on public internet media and they started to ban us.. now it seems toi be standard practice for you tube and facebook to do that.. claiming racism etc.. eeyep. and we have people here in our country illegally forever.. working illegally.. it got to where anyone could get a job earning cash.. no id required even.. the stimulus money got disbursed to immigrants through personnel services who hure iollegals.. the companies hire bodies through the fly by night personnel service.. illegals.. working in hospitalsd etc.. colelcting our stimulus money through the payee program thing.. trump totally screwwed us on the stimulus..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: company hires illegal alien through a personnel service and govt stimulus picked up tyhe tab.. in multi-million dollar projects.. govt subsidy for the rich..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I was on a jobsite with a couple hundred workers.. and in the office the general contractolr had a board with boxes with all the contractor companies names.. and all the personnel services employees temporary work tickets.. they were not hiring anyone. they hired the personnel service.. who sent over illegal aliens.. and they used our stimulus money for that.. that is what happens when they borrow huge money in our names and do not give it to us.. somehow the big money gets even more money and we get less..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

as a youngster who created things I wondered why noone was working on free energy.. as an adult I realize that the people running things want to keep us dependent so we can be useful idiots.. they lie to us.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

that why they dont let ya have no munny.. the more debt than money concept.. hmm. just enough to be a functional slave.. so it runs out like electricity.. and gas.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

a mortgage so you have a place to live while you work.. for 30 years.. never mind you can build a house in less than a year by yourself.. make your own tools all of it.. thats why they own everything.. and charge us interest on money they just create.. they create a balance for losers..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

Me and a buddy built him a shack. .with 3/4" preserved plywood.. 14 years ago.. took a couple weeks part time goofing around.. and the rent was juuuust right. .. his 1,000 investment just keeps getting better and better.. 2 hurricanes. no problemo..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

All the houses me and my buddies grew up in are still there.. and we are in our fifties.. and they were there when we were born... who the f do they think they're kidding?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

What he's talking about is slavery.. you keep paying as you earn.. so the money does not stay in your pocket.. This is a free energy video.. energy developed from stationary magnets.. he is talking about a magnet GENERATOR.. i finally watched the video. .. lol.. howdydoo Taogyow .

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

MAGNET POWER CELL.. power from stationary magnets like a battery but nothing is used as fuel. .

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

and it does not run down because magnets do not run down.. they keep going and going.. ;)

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