Mahdi Finishes Husains (ra) MISSION By Sheikh Imran Hosein Animated
Mahdi Finishes Husain's (ra) MISSION - Sheikh Imran Hosein Animated
In this video Sheikh Imran Hosein told us that Dajjal was released during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). After the death of prophet Muhammad (SAW), Abu Bakr (ra) became caliphate. Nobody dared to dissent with him (ra). After the death of Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra) became caliphate. Again everybody agreed over his authority. He died. Then Uthman (ra) became caliphate. Muslim Ummah agreed upon his rule. He was killed and became shahid. Ali (ra) took the responsibility of this Ummah. Some people disagreed. But this is not anything about succession. At last, people agreed upon him (ra) too. Ali (ra) was martyred. Then Muslim Ummah made Hasan (ra) the caliphate. He (ra) stepped down as Muayyah (ra) claimed to be the caliphate. After then, 28 years unity existed in the Islamic Caliphate. Next Yazid became the Caliphate. Hossein (ra) protested against this injustice. He (ra) was killed. But his (ra) unfinished job is going to be finished by Imam Mahdi.
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