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Mail: Equitable Divorce

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Published on 21 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

I fully understand "the women's point". They want to be taken care of for life no matter what they do. They want their cake, and eat it too. They want the freedom and authority of a man, but not the responsibility of one.

Alimony is only now starting to be reformed because it's beginning to hurt women. The only thing more disgusting than how unjust the divorce laws are is that so many men continue to get married because they are not made aware of what they are signing up for.

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fistohiydi 4 years ago

24 July 2020 - TFM 420 - The Morning Constitutional: 7/24/2020

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wildcat4mation 4 years ago

I am kind of on the fence. If a business fires you and you can prove that it was unjust, you are entitled to unemployment (the employer pays this on your behalf). But yes, if you quit, you should not be given anything. The reasoning here is because, when fired, the business, even though not agreed to in the contract, puts you in a situation to where your life can be in limbo until you find another job. Because the little man is smaller than an entity and the government sees it as protecting the little man (who basically votes for how a government is run) and pretty much how a business should behave in his/her community. I do get your point though. If society is trying to make people less reliant on government and people are already struggling, why make it harder on them by making them support another person who is not contributing anything to society (woman who decides to divorce)?

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EdTrollington 4 years ago

If prenups followed contract law, this could be worked out then. The woman decides what she wants should she be dumped in 20 years and the man agrees to it, or they both walk away. Let's face the facts though, have you ever heard of a scenario where the husband was a good provider for 20 years and then he just decides to completely kick his wife to curb and leave her out in the cold to fend for herself? I haven't. Usually the worst case scenario is he cheats on her, which is wrong, but she's still provided for. I'm sure it does happen but it's gotta be rare. Men are protective of their interests. A woman he has kids with is his interest. But regardless of that, all of these details should be part of a marriage contract. So we don't have to deal with this bullshit family court system where mem get fucked over left and right because their ex was wasn't happy anymore.

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wildcat4mation 4 years ago

@EdTrollington: Biased judges. They do not give a damn about prenups, it is all about publicity. If they gave up the case to the man, they would be shunned from doing court cases involving women from then on. The U.S. system is ENTIRELY screwed up. Businesses are given more weight than THE PEOPLE. The Constitution dictates what the government can and can't do and this shows, even an entity as strong as the government needs to abide by the individual. In this case, women are treated as the lesser (in essence, the government should protect them over the man). This can be done so; however, they become property. Women are not fine with it...okay fine equality. Well now, why isn't a woman treated the same as a man? O_O Major screw up there. Human to human (we are both people; therefore, we are BOTH powerful. More powerful than the government and businsses). So in essence, the government SHOULD NOT be able to intervene in matters with women and men and since women are not equal, tough shit! If you cannot make it in a relationship, you CAN divorce; however, unless you work for it, you should have NOTHING to your name.

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wildcat4mation 4 years ago

Some judges will take away assets and money BEFORE the marriage as well. Judges are immune to being sued and they will NOT take a hit to their publicity by going against woman

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wildcat4mation 4 years ago

I get so ENGRAGED >:( !!!! over these community laws and I guess it works both ways (by chance if a woman ever makes more than the guy). Thing is, they SHOULD NOT be getting 50% split or MORE than that (and yes, the judges will award them more than the split even if THE GUY is the breadwinner). It is so messed up. Furthermore, the kids go to an individual who has proven to have NO INCOME??? WTF?!

If the gal can hold down a job, then she gets that proportion out of all the assets and that is it! She gets child support. But this ALIMONY thing. NO! Just so many things messed up about these laws...

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EdTrollington 4 years ago

The kids should go to who can best provide for them.

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wildcat4mation 4 years ago

@EdTrollington: Which again, would be the man. Statistically, more men work than females. Nope! The court system WILL NOT HAVE IT!

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OmniStrata 4 years ago

Well said TFM! I divorced my ex-wife before I owned anything. Sexodus & MGTOW opened my eyes. She's back with her parents and I'm living with a rent paying tenant in a home built for a family of 4 ^_^. MGTOW is strength.

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