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Published on 30 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

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"Awwwwwww Your so cute! Kisses and Cuddles for the Snake - and a big cup of tea too...!"

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Cobras telegraph that they're about to strike, so this is not quite as impressive as one might think.

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It's even more impressive than I don't think. It's truly biblical. Jesus the non existent Jewish Zombie in low earth orbit who talks to us by telepathy - said there are those who will come after me who perform even greater miracles than what I have done. Raising the dead? Meh - do it every day. Catching a NON gender binary Cobra - now not even non existant Jesus could do that!

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bigintol03 2 years ago


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Aldan 2 years ago

Average height in Malaysia is 5'5'' for a male, this dude could easily be 5'3''. I think these people have to simp twice as hard to get their peepee touched by doing stupid/dangerous things to impress chicks. MGTOW is a better solution.

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I would have preferred that the comment on the video was more aligned to the content of the video. That is a HUGE cobra, and he is very experienced at catching them.... What an incredible thing.

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Aldan 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Sorry, I get distracted sometimes lol. Yeah thats probably the biggest cobra I can recall seeing, I would be running the opposite direction like a little bitch! haha

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Aldan 2 years ago

Do you think he first practiced on one that was completely defanged?

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@Aldan: Nope - kids being kids, and responsible parents being responsible parents - they all learn that the cobra is a good snake and a bit of mutual care applies.... So they would all be teaching each other how to catch the snakes and cook them or take them a bit out of the village etc.. Catching snakes is no different to working on your cars engine while it is running - there are techniques and practices to keep yourself from getting tangled up in the moving bits, and in a sense one is relatively safe, and it's the same with catching snakes.... Study his technique.... He is very careful, very precise, and he knows exactly what he is doing... He has also learned this from watching others... And others learn it from watching him.... I don't know how they assess the value of the snake.... in terms of rats and vermin, and their chickens etc.. And whether to keep it around the place when the rodents get too much or to BBQ it when the rodents are too few and the snakes to many.... Most times when people get bitten - it's basically by accident.. one animal blundering into another... So screeching "Snake! Snake!" and killing it just because it is there, is a dumb thing to do.... The snakes are only a risk if there is a high chance of accidental contact - like snoozing in amongst the kids toys in the playroom, when the snake is only inside the house hunting mice.... So if you treat the snake with love and respect - and help it to find it's way outside... It's a good thing. Mice chewing the wiring in the house and setting it on fire and burning it down... OR a snake getting rid of the mice... I'd rather the snake... but climbing out of the bed at 3am and going for a piss and standing on it in the dark... and then getting bitten... Well it's better to help each other not hurt each other... And basically the snakes are fucking fine...

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Aldan 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Ah, I see... where I'm from had no snakes at all, so I'm ignorant on snakes and snake safety.

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@Aldan: Ireland?

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@Aldan: Snakes are also smart enough to mostly only ever bite in self defence - unless they are really big and view you as a good meal.... but they can size up the situation that although they might be able to get a few bites in, they will be killed in the process and so will tend to retreat if possible.... BUT if they are done for - they will give as good as they get.... and you die too.

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Aldan 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I am from Alaska, which technically has 1 type of snake but it wasn't in my area. I like the better weather of mainland USA but if my new area gets woke I will move back to Alaska because its a more freedom-based area.

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@Aldan: Go to the zoo - with snakes and have a good look, and attend a snake enthusiasts club if there are any around or on your lines of travel..... And people who work with snakes, do not "de fang" them,,, it's part and parcel of dealing with the snake... It's part and parcel of beng a venemous and just a big bitey non venemous snake.... So unless the snake will eat fresh dead lab rats, no fangs = no food... They by injecting poison and the toxicology of venoms - is a pretty big issue....... I can kind of remember the video but which one it was - I don't have the time to pick through dozens... But have a look at them.....

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Heavyhand 2 years ago

OK so I can applaud this man’s bravery and skill.

I just can’t get over the why.

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Cause they are sweet and all kisses and cuddles.... When we go camping in Australia - we use sleeping bags with a hole in each end, just to let all the snakes in so can cuddle up and not get cold at night....... Then we tell them bed time stories and give them cups of chocolate to drink - they are so sweeet... People only say that they are the worlds most venemous snakes to frighten the tourists - in reality they love to play ball and dancing and eating pop corn and cotton candy and cuddles on the couch together....

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Playing hop-scotch and skipping ropes is a great favourite of the snakes as well....

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Heavyhand 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Hahaha…….Loved best ten.

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Heavyhand 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Hahaha…….Loved best ten.

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Since the cobras are part and parcel of village life, he has been raised to catch them since he was big enough to "dominate" by height and size and to then catch them by hand. I don't know if they were eating them or just taking them out of the village a bit and letting them go. The cobras are good for controlling the rats and mice... So the are not all horrible - just accidental enounters are to be avoided if possible.

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@Heavyhand: But they are SO beautiful... They're just like chickens without wings, legs or feathers... I wish I could upload pictures - I have some absolutely fabulous pictures of my now deceased and gone chicken... Fuck I miss my critters... They have been so good.

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