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Male Greatness ...Episode #2 -->MGTOW

Published on 07 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

August 2015

Comment: Michael seems to attack the "male unfeeling brutte" meme so often used to cull men. I think his message would have been better expressed had he demonstrated that this tactic is just to disarm men and turned to a wider picture.

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Wow rest in Peace great or stupid maybe if the young men had Machetes to defend themselves against the drunk scum and maybe still be alive if I am going to save a person or animal I'm not going to do so where I end up dead from helping however I get that that Animal was in need of help because of stupid drunk attacking it, I like that Arch Angel Liberation XY said True Beauty Is Soul Beauty that does not fade I Like that.

Reminds me of the Game Soul Calibur, Soul Calibur Beauty I like the Sound of that.

He is an amazing Young Man who didn't deserve to be taken out of life like that
Life is cruel and Survival is the CRUELEST GOD BLESS AND REST HIS SOUL IN PEACE

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wroger_wroger 9 days ago

You should block everyone on the site who doesn't watch your content.

I'd watch your content but I can't.

Because I am blocked.

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4_ArchAngel 9 days ago

Thank uou, so much, for your interesting input. Now go back to fucking yourself you little bag of douche.

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