Male Power’s The Only Way Forward - MGTOW
As MGTOW we are a far more superior and unified intellect than the women and their bluepilled pro matrimony pro cohabation simps.... We sngle dedicated bachelors aka MGTOW are the real defintion of fully evolved men and are far more evolved in wisdom, Intellect and spirituality, Which we are the pure embodyment of pure unrestrained masculinity and are the perfect and pure deffention of what a man is, Instead of what the women and simps say about what men should be. Even if feminism has won in the short run, They still will never beat us in the long run. Women Shall Never And Will Never Prevail over men, especially not over MGTOW
We're never going back to the plantation ever, We'll instead burn that plantation down and rebuild a male uopia instead of gynocentrism. And I have a plan.
We're here to help other men become like us through MGTOW and We Will Prevail Over All. Love&Cheers ;)
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O.... I like the workout music. Keep it going my Friend.
You Right. Stay MGTOW
I Think A smart Man would just do 5 seconds and say read below ! NOT 7 min of Crap Music . I Didn't Listen to it !