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Male Solitude Is Becoming A Problem!

Published on 16 May 2024 / In Comedy
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BioWeapanSurvivor 1 month ago

Tim Pool is going after the red pill.

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Straven 2 months ago

I haven't come across a SINGLE single woman that is happy....every single one keeps on blowing so much effort into dating and trying to nail some man down.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 months ago

Are any mainstream outlets able to address this without mockery, derision, or spite? Clearly men are the joke and the punchline, and male suffering f any kind is not worth any attention unless it can be capitalized on by opportunists and females.

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Councilof1 2 months ago

Lonely? They don't even understand what loneliness is. Solitude is objective, loneliness is subjective. Then again I wouldn't expect her to understand those points. The subtly is lost on many people.

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These women are all unfuckable idiots.

They cannot be wifed up and be bred to produce good healthy children.

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Straven 2 months ago

Don't want there genetics to be past on. So that's for the best.

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