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Man DUMPS Cheating Girlfriend After She Does This...

Published on 02 Jun 2024 / In Entertainment
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The badness and craziness - it all has lots of dead give always, long before it gets to the busted cheating stage.

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Drums_McBashington 1 month ago

First red flag: it has a vagene.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

She wants you to walk away for her cheating, so that she can claim that it was YOU that left HER...Which would be the truth...even though she'll leave out the why...therefore in woman's logic it's YOUR fault that the two of you are no longer married.

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Drums_McBashington 1 month ago

Yep, female logic is also why you're the bad guy for 'invading her privacy' when you catch her committing more serious offences. Dishonest, disloyal children. They have no love for men. Just a means to an end.

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saaralgris 1 month ago

Dudes crack me up when they want logical explanations after they catch their woman cheating, as if she's a logical creature in the first place. Just gather the evidence, expose the heifer, then bounce!!!

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Drums_McBashington 1 month ago

Seriously. I've never understood these big conversations. Everything after 'cheated' doesn't matter, plus, I've left already. Who the fuck is she talkin' to?

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Stalwart 1 month ago

These women deserve to burn in hell. Men have to utterly abandon these women, and women in general.

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