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Man In Dress MELTDOWN At Walmart

Published on 31 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment

These woke weirdos are always unhinged

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

ok so in America the man in a dress can be charged with assault and battery. also in case you were wondering , there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in public in America . that kid can take as many pictures as he likes . of anyone or anything in public . Walmart is open to the public . also there are lots and lots of security cams in all Walmarts . so the entire incident is on video . the teenager's lawyer can subpoena those videos as evidence . i see a criminal charges and a law suit here . ( i think that in Australia and the UK you need someone's permission to take their picture . Shane am i right ?)

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I am not sure of all the particulars, but if you can see it from the street or it's a public place - they can film you all they want - up to a point...

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Shane, thanks for the answer mate !

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@Leader_Desslok: Well if your up on a rise, filming the local area, and there is a naked woman in her back yard, and you might pause for a few seconds to check her out.... but you are basically filming the whole area - too bad for her.... This is different to he having an 8 foot high fence, and you getting a ladder to film her naked in her back yard.

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Ohhhhh God.................

Just looking at the picture.......

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Fuck No.

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

see above please mate !

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@Leader_Desslok: Sometimes other peoples crazy is just too hard to deal with... ...... "Scroll up - see fat nutter in a dress - close tab".

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