redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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Man KICKS His Long-Term Girlfriend OUT His House For Doing This

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Published on 07 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 12 months ago

[Down Vote]
Calling "Collecting Evidence" a "Bitch Move" is how Brothers wind up in jail on false allegations.

That's just ignorant.

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SteveOUK 12 months ago

"We've been together for years but you're single. That makes you a roommate. You're years behind on your rent. Goodbye."

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saaralgris 12 months ago

If her status has been single on social media since the beginning, he should've addressed that a long time ago. Kudos to the dude for kicking her out, but women will leave doors open in the event a better opportunity (guy) comes along. They're always looking to level up and will do so when the better option is properly secured. We all know what this is.

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