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Man Meets Hair Brush - And the Wammens Wanking Weapon

Published on 04 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Leader_Desslok 3 days ago

sorry to hear that you are freezing your arse off in the long cold australian winter mate ! it was 27c here today . i do understand that when it gets down to 17c down under you guys start getting chilly. around here that is T shirt and barbecue weather !

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Yeah 24*C in Moscow and people start dropping dead from heat stroke... Funny about what people are geographically accustomed too... Not sorry about the cold weather.. not at all.. It's when it's 38*C to 47*C - every fucking day.... for 2 or 3 months. One really hot summer a few years ago... COLD = warm clothes, a blanket or two over the knees and a little bit of heating to keep the chill out of the room.... It's quite nice actually.

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I actually come up quite nice with a scrub and a fresh change of clothes....

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