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Man PUMMELS Women Into Submission In 46 Seconds At Olympic Boxing Event!

Published on 01 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment

This stuff is pure insanity

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Alpha070 2 months ago

cry me a River Waymenz wanted to be Equals ......You Beardet Faggott with you littl Teddybears and Toys all that Kids Stuff in the Background of your Vids why By No Measure youre a real Man

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Uhm, you talking about Quarterpounder?

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sauger1001 2 months ago

11:20. Uh, though it's initially in a guy's nature to "protect" waaahmen, sometimes they need to face facts, which can sometimes hurt when they've been deluded into believing a lie. It's called REALITY. Once they've faced the brutal REALITY that men are physically superior, they can continue whining, or simply face the facts regarding gender roles. The Creator will set things straight (to the chagrin of the delusional) upon His Return.

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sauger1001 2 months ago

MASCULINE men need to POUND the delusional feminist ideology into submission, the same way The Creator will eventually pound the Adversary into submission.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

What you getting upset for Jeremy? It's just biology: Pussies get pounded by dicks and then shit out babies...

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sauger1001 2 months ago

But HEY! He got to promote his coffee during his "whine fest". No one "forced" this broad to fight this tranny, and I'm not even watching this liberal bullsh!t. LMAO!

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sauger1001 2 months ago

If she was a feminist, I'd bet she got "knocked back" into reality, not "her truth". LMAO!

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If a woman comes at a man with a knife, etc., she deserves what ever comes back at her.

But this.... the women usually have no hope.

The women ought to knock this shit on the head.... and tell the olympic committee woke fuckwits to fuck off.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

As the joke goes when a man complains to God about women, God states, "Why do you think I made you men stonger."

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@WMHarrison94: There are squillions of articles ABOUT the boxing match, but the video is extremely spartan.....

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