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Man Woman Myth: Less than Ultimate Fighters

Published on 11 May 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

What should be done is that women can have their competetive sports even the sports MEN have, but it should only be in their field with rules that govern the fefail perspective and they should make it completely separate and unconnected to the Male version completely. Not that I can see it working as a spectator sport that basically would only be watched by feminist's and Lesbian's?

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

Saw a thing some time back... discussing wba, and how it losses an average of 10 million per season. What purpose is served by flogging a very obviously, very dead horse? Only hurtin' yerself at that point.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

@Drums McBashington: True, they never know when to give it up?

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mrghoster 4 years ago

female Gymnastic's in bed seen to be taking a tumble as well! lol! what was that Rusky fefail Gymnast called in the 70's? "Volger Whorebutt" Or something?

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mrghoster 4 years ago

I would pay to see ALL women's Motorsport, not women racing with MEN as that would endanger professional MALE drivers and Skill's? but Motor Sport with only women would be great fun. Can you just imaging the Carnage! lol! Plus it would help society CULL of some of the OVERLY FEMINIST and fefail population?

What about Female v Bear Wrestling? that would be fun, and Instead of Mud wrestling we could have Nuclear waste wresting Championships for women only, and we could lay bet's as to which one's hair fell out first! lol"!

The trouble with women is they are NOT competitive? Yes they have Cat Fight's and are always demeaning MEN because they are not really competitive? They know this and it's why they behave like that. a case of if you cant beat then, destroy them! lol!

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