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Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Man Bashing & Heroic Men

Published on 22 Apr 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

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OniriumSage 4 years ago

Holy fucking shit! Just realized! The name of God, is YHWH (Yahuwah). Short for it is Yah. Male sex is coded by the Y chromosome and the x one under microscope, suspiciously looks closer to an H. YH the consonant short form of YHWH.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

The world has alway's been................ what for it...............A Matriarchy. Yes it's true. women had real equality in the old day's when THEY and they alone had control over the home. Rather as feminism would have you believe women were oppressed? well that isn't true. My childhood was in a matriarchy with a typical family that by nature worked? At the head was the Great aunt the matriarch, she delt with every family dispute and with her Husband would keep the family on the straight and narrow. The Patriarchal part of a traditional family was MALE.

this would be a father, Uncle or Grandfather, They set out punishment and created a built the home, did the repairs and creative stuff generally. This is what was TRUE equality. Who as a Child remembers the phrase "Wait til you father gets home"? The truth today is women REALLY have lost the plot?

They took on the male roll, found they couldn't cope so it's the MAN's fault THEY the fefail cant cope, had they followed the natural order today could or may have been a Utopia of some sort. In fact compared to today I would say as a child in a not so perfect family, when were they ever? I would say it was the nearest to Utopia we ever got?

Living in what I can only call today's Dytopia it is the fefail that REALLY NEEDs to take a good ahrd look at everything? after all MEN do have the answer's but now as Red Pill pr MGTOW MEN rejected we get on with a good stable fruitful life 9well mine is)? yet women continue to become more and more MENTALLT ILL and wont concede in the slightest on the basis of a flawed Ideology that has corrupted them ?

as a Staunch MGTOW Monk almost to a religious basis I have a good, and moral life without fefail interruption and I've never been so happy as I am now. My own money, time Idea's and just about anything really that wont or cant be destroyed or disrupted by fefails.

so finally if the fefail wants equality it WILL have to concede eventually or become extinct as a human, God only know's what they will become but it wont be good? lol!

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mrghoster 4 years ago

What we have to remember in our favor as MEN, is the reason WHY fefqails Bash and shame us? It's because they have FAILED. they cannot rise above us because Nature itself won't allow this to take place. Nature still see's a women as a women and to Nature a women is now out and overstepped it's place in the natural order.

The worst thing anyone or anything can do is to take on NATURE or try to manipulate NATURE? They are destined to FAIL big time. This is why fefails MAN Bash because MAN in the position women have placed them in today's world are simply obeying the rules of THEIR Natural NATURE.

MAN the MALE the one with a PENIS is doing exactly what Nature intended when they become Red Pill or MGTOW? NATURE adapt's to surroundings and this is exactly "Naturally" what MEN are doing? It;'s called Survival which women cannot comprehend because they need to USE to survive but they don't do this with any hubris, honor or complimentary effort, they simple use the politic they have been brainwashed into to think they are in some way Superior. In Nature this is called "DELUSION"! lol!

women think because they can shit babies out they are superior? And where do they get the Sperm from? The MALE or MEN are the true CREATOR's because it all starts with SPERM OUR sperm? without it women are nothing. It is the fefail that requires a SYSTEM to survive, the individual MAN doesn't at base level. But with rational and logic MAN can and we have seen it create WTF he likes and women can only look on with anger and hate? you would think for success they would be nice and compliant to get the best? but no not women because they don't have rationale or logic, they have emotion, womens one big failing is emotion, because Emotion in today's world has been removed from NATURE where it had value and was safe, today it is just worthless?

As long as the MALE is suppressed this place will continue on a downward spiral with no innovation from the innovator's "the MALE", the Gaussian Curve has been surpassed the top of the curve was reached and now ALL are on a downward spiral. BUT the good news for MEN is their NATURE and mindset. If in the future they make the mistake again in allowing women a veiw then that needs to be seen. Women destroy MEN create? Peace

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

Their insecurities and failings make them lash out in resentment. They are biological dead ends, killing their own offspring on whims. Men will need fortified monasteries, to shelter from the plague of madness that will consume the future. Male suicide and MGTOW are reducing the amount of men they can abuse, and they are abusing the shit out of the ones that stay. Eventually, it will collapse. They will resent us more.

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