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Manosphere Round Table: RGE, Sandman, HammerHand, Sydney MGTOW, and Drex!

Published on 04 Jun 2023 / In Comedy
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Avacados 1 year ago

Does Sandman not know what ZOG is?

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

You're refering to a Superman Kryptonite "conqueror" or villian, right?

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Avacados 1 year ago

@jjtyl: thank you

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Lorgar 1 year ago

The manosphere will die – ironically enough – when feminism will die. At that point redpill knowledge will just be this, knowledge. For all who will fail to see this basic wisdom, the sorry spectacle of old, lonely, post-wall feminists will be a painful reminder.
I hope our work and wisdom will be passed down through future generations and will be enough to warn them not to fall for the lie of equality.
Until knowledge become legend and history becomes myth.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

perhaps... but a fellowship might join among friends and their kids will watch and learn... we need to home school.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

There's a "curry cell"/dating roach (is it Haamza?) who hasn't been showing himself lately. I guess Amr's expose's have been quite effective in getting out the Truth.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

I've been saying it's the food for years... everybody seems to ignore me, eventhough I am biochemist and know what I'm talking about!

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