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Mark Dolan- If you-ve lost friends over your -views- - they were never your friends at all

Published on 28 Feb 2022 / In Film & Animation

Since covid I can count my true friends on one hand without incluyding my thumb either! Prior to covid I could count the user's and hanger's on with both hands and feet, including my thumb's! This is what has happened to society because the Politic has rotted out society and the individuals mind set. I have NOT lost friends in Covid, they have lost ME, andnot because I have abandoned them because of word's but vice verser I think? A fake friend in need can go fuck themselves in todays world? As I say those tyrue friends will still get my undivided time as they give me theirs still.

What have these user'sd and hangers on lost? Here's a clue or two, I have to Nick Names, they are Mr Fixit, and Mr Make do and MenD! For that is how my brain wporks, but bow I fix and Mend for ME and the handful (well not quite) of true friends! The user's and false friends now got I would waste my PISS on if they were on fire in MY NEW World I have creted for ME, I find it hard to trust ANYONE, especially authority and the system and that is all new to me because of the hast 2 years. When I move on or change a part of my life to survive and it works, I NEVER go back on that EVER. What is lost stay's lost, and I discover NEW isea's and things.

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sardonicsmile 3 years ago

Well, females are fake to begin with. No surprise to MGTOW.

The isolated member of the family is usually the one most Awake.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Never occured to me that you are right, the Isolated Family Member is the AWAKE one? Yeh! I like that.

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sardonicsmile 3 years ago

@mrghoster: I like the *idea* of "family". I was just the one they didn't want. Mostly because we are men and if we do not fall into line and meet their "expectations" then we are ostracized. This day and age, females control the family and if they see you as a "problem" they will surreptitiously convince the rest of the family, through gossip, to avoid you as well. The longing haunts me, til this day. You cannot trust anyone... One of the biggest Truth's; I've come to learn.. Good thing we are MGTOW

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Councilof1 3 years ago

The problem is most people don't accept people for who they are. They "befriend" what they think and want that person to be. It's no wonder why most people end up so disappointed.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

There has never been such a psychologically dangerous time in history as now, where it is the Psychopath in control of all the confusion and bullshit. It takes the smallest;s of comment's to get most to trust you? Oh, what nice Eyes you have, or Nice Car, what the Irish call the Blarney! your intuition needs to be honed these day's or even the best of use can still be taken in? Real Friendship is rare these day's as covid and lock down has shown? to use a Marine tern, people today fly under a Flag of Convenience so to speak. women do it all the time - You know A Women doesn't need a MAN..............Until she needs a MAN that is! and Gynocentrism has turned friendship and trust into a similar function?

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Menwalkaway 3 years ago

After catching my exwife cheating with a long time best friend, I never made friends with anyone after that.
i know people but i dont make that kind of friendships anymore, i dont really care what they think about my views.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

Wise words from a smart man!

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