Mark Steyn reacts to Monkeypox cases spreading rapidly throughout Europe
I wonder what's next? The Goodies and the rerelease of "The funky Gibbon into the charts! lol! I see Monkey pox is spreading among Bi-sexuals probably only the MALE Bi-sexuals I bet? And the Gay's, I ahgain assume this is MALE not lesbian's! lol! I bet the TRANNIE's get away scot free even if they7 drink lot's of PG Tips Tea (Remember PG's Monkey (Chimp) ad's! lol! I'm now so burned out I've lost fear of anything and finding myself whispering "Whatever" uinder my breathe! I mean ther only person I can think of and he is dead, that posibly shagged a Monkey is Michael Jackson, although I don't rule out Boris Johnson to have experimented seeing as HE looks like a Baboon! lol! The only thing spreading quickly in Europe and the west in general is Lunasy and stupidity! i'm so glad I have plenty of brain cells ans common sense!
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