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Marriage Is A Tool For Governments To Control Men - MGTOW

Published on 20 May 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Marriage is a tool for governments to subdue men

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post called: "Marriage is a tool for governments to subdue men" that I've put a link to in the description. I thought about covering it because I was out shooting a wedding a couple of days ago and it was right at the start of a month long lock-down in Ontario, Canada. They had a stay at home order for all but the most critical of workers. All stores are closed too except for the ones that sell groceries and pharmaceuticals. I thought for sure that if you're not allowed to buy clothes or go to restaurants then all weddings would also be cancelled. Well apparently not. Wedding and other religious ceremonies are considered vital to the government. You'd think they could go a month without issuing marriage licenses but they probably didn't want to because it means another month for the groom to think clearly before his bride walks down the aisle and leads him to his doom. The person submitting the topic on Reddit believes that government don't fear women but that they fear men and they will use women to undermine men and keep men in check. That men's true enemy is the state and that women are merely tools of the state. I of course agree but what happens when so many men figure this out that the birth rate drops to one kid per couple everywhere in the world and populations implode exponentially because men don't want to make a deal with the government devil? When even immigration isn't enough to keep the populations from crashing all over the world. The church I'm filming that wedding in is allowed to be at 15% capacity. Hopefully I won't get covaids and it's crazy that schools, stores, restaurants and gyms are closed but god forbid they close down a church for a wedding so some shamu sized woman wearing comfortable shoes can't get her slave and so the government can't screw him over in the divorce courts one day. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways now back to the Covaids in a church clown world show. One guy on reddit says that in the past marriage was a contract between the man and the woman's father. I have to add to that by saying that in the present marriage is a contract between the man and the state where if the marriage ends the man is still obligated to take care of his ex wife so the government doesn't have to. You're just formalizing your slave contract with government officials in case the deal with the woman goes bad. Marriage is not only a tool to control men when it comes to keeping them on their best behavior so their wives don't divorce them and take them to the cleaners. But it's also a way to fleece men again and again if the marriage dissolves through alimony and child support. Signing a marriage contract for the average man is like playing a game of monopoly with the government and handing them your get out of jail free card. Then when you're sent off to jail in the game by the government you no longer have that card to get out of it with. For a man not signing a marriage contract is just as valuable as a woman keeping her virginity. If either of those two things happen then both parties are fucked. One financially and the other literally. In the past marriage was required by the state because the state needed higher reproductive levels than neighboring states or else when there was a way they would be out bred and their enemy might take over. For civilizations to compete with neighboring ones militarily they needed as many bodies in the meat grinder of war as possible.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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JustinPeanuts 4 years ago

Marriage is the tool that society uses to control men.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Marriage is a tool for government to control it's subjects. Both men and women. In my country, immigrants marriage is poorly documented. Some not even registered. The men has wise up.

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Giridhar12345 4 years ago

Most men come to know of this only after getting stuck in one...

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