Martin Lewis The government can do something about energy bills now - they are not willing to do so
UK's Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has his say on the big Energy rip off coming to the uk in October. Persponally I'm already with steps to take as a pensioner to elliviate some of this hike. The TV and many electrical shit went some time ago, next on my list if electricity gets to expensive is the removal of the Freezer, well actually it will just becvome another cupboard for tinned food as I have stopped buying frozen goods. Same for the fridge. If a n eneamel bread bun on the backdoor step was good enough for my grandparents it's good enough for me. I also only by UHT carton's of milk enmass, this last up to 3 years NOT evenb in a fridge. Worst case scenario they can come and turn the electricity OFF and I will cancel my direct Debit. I';ve been buying from charity shops good quality various sized clothing so I can wear layer's in the winter. I also have invested in battery lamps and NO batteries wont be a problem as I legally collect used batteriesa recharge them and store them. Cooking? No prob's I've taken a page out of the ols Communist China and Russian era, I've made a number of Coke or drinks can burners or hob's that run long enough on surgical spirit or Meth's to cook a basic meal. Current ly I'm building a pipe system that will VENT the funmmes away by a vacuum. So if these greedy CUNT's want to kill and impoverish people I wont be one of them. At 66 years old (A youthful) 66 I an in pretty good health because I have NMEVER abused my system. My Mindset isd bang up to date as you can see and yet it is a mindset of the past. I'll survive, because my biggest asset is I'm to9tally alone in this HELL! Maybe IO scould post some money saving ideas and alternative way's of doing things?
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