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Mass immigration is a problem

231 subscribers
Published on 15 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

It's hard to tell with Richard when he is bei9ng ironic or serious. If he is being serious to think these "INVADERS" would do a good day's work andd learn about OUIR culture? they are here to destroy our culture and here for all the freebee's. Has anyone noticed with these rubber boat MOROPN's they seem to have NO forehead and their Eyes seem to be in their forehead! lol! I thinbk rather than wanting to help the UK they are here to be used by Government as a covert Army that will be set against the british people - underfended British people at that as you can not defend yoursaelf in anyway as everything including carrying a legit box cutter (stanley knife), is illegal or at least suspect? these moronsd have been brainwashed into thinking British streets are lined with gold, but first they have to STEAL it! lol! sorry Richard if you are serious and not joking you have been duped if you think that will ever happen.

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