Mating Clive the Geordie with the Filipina Maid *Banned by the BBC*
Published on 14 Apr 2023 / In
This video is getting very hard to find unless one purchases it. In 2009, the comedy show "Harry and Paul' aired this clip as part of their half-hour sketch comedy show. Upon airing it immediately caused an uproar. The government of the Philippines demanded an apology and the UK government gave one, on the floor of parlaiment, no less.
What everyone failed to notice was the self-depricating humor the British are so good at. It takes an even bigger swipe at "Geordies". I'm not from the UK, but as I understand it, Geordies are northerners who live near the border of Scotland that posh Londoners enjoy looking down on. "Hicks" as those in the US would say.
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