Matt Hancock might want us to forget, but I wont
Richard Vobes give his views on "NEVER FORGET", and he put's it so logical and understandable. I know for one I will never forget all the TRAITOR's from Government to NHS workers that I no longer trust at all, The Piolice especially with their NAZI like attitudes a little power gave them, they infact are at the top of my list of those we should not forget for their actions. Put as it is by Richard the WHOLE thing looked at this was is proof it was a SCAM, Ceuelty toward fellow Human beings because those that instigated has wealth and no sense of Humanity. How can you EVER trust a person like that. I have to admit I was as SHELL SHOCKED as the next guy about it all when it started, but within a week I had made a convincing Lanyard that told every one I was immune from mask weearing and it worked foir the full 2 years, never got questioned in the whole time. I didn't Antisocial distaance either. WHY because the Distance thing was a Nothing burger. Social distancing was a terror tactic because most people other than ARAB's naturally kept a distance from others in a queue. They lowered in the UK the distance from 6 ft to 3 because they saw that peoiple didn't space at 6ft so they lowered the distancew to fit their agenda into a situation no one complied with, I was also conned into taking the Jab for my medical record which by the way was nothing serious but i was at riak Like I say I was conned. why I took it I will never know, I certainly had no FEAR even before covid. I think most of the overal shot's were p-lacibo's and a few were leathal what ever shit they put in it? I personally had No i9ll or side effects at all and refuse ansd still refuse to have my body abused by the system anymore. Doctor's are fucking snake oil sharletons, dont't trust them or nurses or ambul;lance drivers that I actually followed round town on my motorcycle . they would leave with all tyhe sirens and lights going race around housing area's then park up for an average of 15 minutes then repeated the whole thing back to the Station. Pure fear mongering. As a result I bought a dash cam, but alittle to klate as it all stopped suddenly. The Police would race upand down the carruiage way in the middle of the night with sirens and lights going, again they parked up for 15 minutes or so and repeated this almost every night. I'm finished with ther system even the human race to a point because I'm surrounded by fucking frightened zombies and moron's when IO go out. I'll NEVER forget EVER.
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