Max Igan - Mind Controlling The Masses
Published on 27 Mar 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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The main issue I have with what's happening in Gaza is this: why aren't the Arabs and other Muslims helping Palestinians? It seems only the Houthi are doing anything about it.
As far as I'm concerned the jews and muslims can kill each other until they're blue in the face. I trust neither group. Both want to destroy me and my way of life. I see no reason to help either group. Both are my enemies.
I've never trusted the internet nor "smart" devices. A couple decade's ago someone asked me how to stay safe on the internet. I told them to stay off the internet.
As for "Free Speech" never had it in my country. And the trucker's protest was a predictor of the future. I think Trudeau jumped the gun on that one. It kind of made the sheeple a little gun shy so to speak. Freezing the bank accounts telegraphed the downside of CBDC's. I'm sure they'll forget soon enough.
Btw interesting video.