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McDonald's DESTROYED Over SCAM $5 Meal To Trick Customers Into Coming Back! Sales Plummet!

Published on 16 May 2024 / In Entertainment

The Fast Food Collapse Is Real

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1. Their profits have not gone down.

2. The food quality and quantity has deteriorated - wafer thin burgers ?

3. And the prices are sky rocketing.

I think these greedy lying shit shovelling cunts are going to regret their lack of business ethics.

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Toki 9 months ago

Or just do I what I do and don't eat at all because it costs money, which mean more work, and taxes. You can survive on very little food intake just fine. Our ancestors did it. Compared to you Jeremy I'm a brick wall. A thin brick wall but still brick.
With today's entertainment it's easier than ever to pirate something like a capitalist would. Anime streaming/video game download pirating. Then use them to help your mind forget about hunger and all the other depressing parts of real life. I barely spend any money especially compared to other people in my area. I have zero debts.
It gets tough with anime though because they have always have the foods worthy of gods. There's always the one cute female character who shovels food down but she is still tiny. It's hilarious.

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Toki 9 months ago

It's just communism there is no good economic system. Never has been in human history. Capitalism is a myth. The only type of capitalism is being born as Hunter Biden while daddy has all kings of capital being stolen wealth from the working folks. Same with CEOs and investors.
A good person wouldn't strive to be wealthy anyways. You're simply selfish while masses of other people suffer.
I guess capitalism is a fat man sitting in a chair talking about McD's menu prices while trying to sell me 12 oz bag of coffee for $20 each. Seems like communism to me considering you're truly unemployed. Social media channels are fine. But trying to make a living from it is just socialism/communism. Like a single mom expecting free handouts. Talk is cheap. Men working is valuable and you would lose some weight Jeremy.
Capitalism is also taxes, outsourcing like John Deere did. You see I perceive this form the perspective of a working man. Everyone else is just stealing from working men. It's just communism. The most productive humans who do all the work are the most unappreciated in communism. Also known as capitalism. Your idea of capitalism does not exist. It's like the C virus which just the flu. World salad. As long as taxes exist capitalism has never been a real thing.
In capitalism a single average person is supposed to be able to have a chance to start their own business. But who can honestly do that? Who can afford that? Then you have to get a license and get taxed out of business. That's why it has never been capitalism.
A real example of capitalism I suppose = Kids running a lemonade stand and paying zero extra taxes as well as their customers not having to pay extra for taxes, investors, and CEOs. No stupid corporate rules, training videos, or uniforms. Then the cops show up and shut them down because the kids don't have a business license, sugar license, and permit to do business on their "parent's land" which is truly owned by the communist Gov. Also there's a 'virus' out there so only big corpos can sell food and drink. For our safety.
In capitalism no business would suggest or demand you ever wore a face mask. Or be forced to get dangerous mystery shots from toxic Pharma.

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Toki 9 months ago

I like the term labor costs being used negatively regarding the people who work. How dare they get paid for showing up to an insufferable job that doesn't pay enough to eat and live in a studio apartment? What amazes me is how people mob on the low level workers like this despite the fact they are the ones serving you the customer for shit wages.
Meanwhile most of the operating costs go to the mid and higher management who don't work. Marketing teams who lie about everything. Investors who also do not work anywhere. They are just exploiting people because that's more profitable than being selfless and working. Also it's the CEOs and investors who choose to raise these prices, not the workers who constantly get shit on by others who don't realize how valuable they are.
Typical NPC American will bitch about rising minimum wage for these workers. Because they want their food for free I guess? Then they will simp for the CEOs saying we absolutely need them. Which we don't. Also investors are just playing Gov Monopoly exploiting people collecting a form of taxes for free. Real investors are men who roll up their sleeves and get dirty at work.
To perfectly prove my point how about YT's management team? They really destroyed the platform. Same with the pearl-clutching investors and marketing con artists. They are offended you support Trump Jeremy. Also offended you are white = self-hating marketers and investors. So no ad money for you. Fuck these people they need to find real jobs and work like adults.
Also the low wages in this industry simply leads to more street crime and welfare. But somehow it's not illegal to enslave people using the con job of investing. People need to evolve past this whole Gov currency thing. It makes all of us enemies instead of allies as a species. Why I have zero faith in humans. Good people are so rare.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Oh, that's just because their carrot of sex and greed does not work on you...LOL! You are correct though. I think more men going MGTOW originally from women are also wLj

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Oh, that's just because their carrot of sex and greed does not work on you...LOL! You are correct though. I think more men going MGTOW originally from women are also wLj

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Are also walking away from corporations and governments/countries. I remember when Sandman started remarking on this a few years ago...I liked how TFM described it: He was like I had this philosophy I was building up in my head and then MGTOW just filled in the gaps...Yep. Now, the US government considers us a threat because we don't have kids the Satanic Jews (ie Carhedral or Globohomos) can't threaten to kill and Joker pointed our America according to our last Census is still about 75% White Men/People. All their lies and propaganda are failing.

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Toki 9 months ago

I don't understand the inflation on fries? Meat makes sense because it's a long process with animals. Not like it's actual meat anyways. Or real potatoes for fries. Either way a small? That's just a trick to get you to buy the $5 meal and then an extra large fry for $5 or more.
Also that's def not chicken nuggets. Chicken neck skin, testis, feet, claws = chicken nugget produced in a blender type machine. I guess it is chicken, but the parts you would use for old world tools or leather and feathers/bones.
A small drink. Fuck you why does that even exist? Same with those silly 4 to 8 oz soda cans. They make a killing on the drinks. It doesn't even need refrigeration until it is in the serving machine.
Double cheese with the worst type of cheese. It's not real cheese either. Ketchup instead of fresh tomato. I imagine the average fat American would buy 2-4 of these meals to for one lunch.
Meanwhile about 95% of company profits goes to prostitutes for the executives and shareholders. Our economy sucks first and foremost because human females exist at all. For females they don't care about the price because just go in debt and get welfare. They don't work for anything. Then the swamp beta males on top who makes all this money just to waste it because they want a female to touch their penis. The rest of us average folks have to suffer in poverty so one simp can simp hard for a spoiled child who expects payment for being a fake friend = girlfriend/wife/prostitute. That's how the entire economy works. That's why JP men who are smart enough to go cold turkey stopped going to work. Why they aren't the ones in business fucking customers over. Same with any other men like me who only have to work part time to support thyself and survive fine without the extra expense of prostitution called a girlfriend. One big reason why the modern economy sucks and was much better when men had authority over women by default as housewives who aren't allowed to have credit cards because they are too ignorant to understand home economics.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Yep. People get around this by bartering or trading of services: For example, I own a hotel and you own a fitness gym. We make an agreement that I can send my customers to use your gym for free, and your (likely management) team can get X amount of free nights (rooms) at my hotel. Guess what, we expanded the services to our clients at the hotel and the management can bring their gym THOTs to the hotel getting free rooms. No money exchanged; no taxes paid... It's just survival now.

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