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MDC Exclusive 6 21 2024

Published on 24 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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sauger1001 7 days ago

Yeah, all I can say is, "Hard Pass", to the lot. Lol!

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Bagoodman 8 days ago

What is WRONG with People - (LIKE YOU ! ) You don't understand Simple BUSINESS - You Don't put G-DAM In any Advertisement ! This is still a Christian Country a VERY LARGE % of people HATE IT When there is BLASPHEMY put in there Face ! IT's Like saying FUCK YOU To your parents - And it's not Necessary to make your video any better - You don't see an Add on TV saying Buy my G-DAM Product ! --- IT'S JUST BAD BUSINESS ! - Take a business class ---- I can't believe I have to tell People this..

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Bagoodman 7 days ago

Hmm - a thumb down from (CircuitDoc1) Must be a Communist who Does not understand Capitalism ! As an American Business Man you want to make your 1 Doller profit from Every Man Women an Child On the Planet Not Lose MONEY From more then 50% of the population your selling to Because you said something stupid like G-DAM in a Advertisement !

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21 seconds in... and he black chick with the swinging tits.....

What don't these fucking morons get?

When they biologically "age out" - they are like a used car on the second hand lot, and their warranty just expired a long time ago.....

You know, "Broom! Broom! - Bang! - Clatter, Clatter, Clatter" -the engine has thrown a rod out the side of the block... and FERTILITY WISE, that old "banger" ain't going no where.....

ALL these old infertile women are like smoking wrecks on the used car lots.....

The biological radar takes 5 seconds to automatically scan 200 of them... "Naaaa they are all no goers" - They are a waste of resources - time, money, food, supplies, accomodation and attention.

Unless they are SERVING the community - directly through the husband, then they serve NO PURPOSE.

Add in that most of them have heads full of feminist indoctrination, AND they have been nothing but shallow selfish cunts - then you have the women's THREE WAY ticket to the scrap heap of life.

AND here are all these pieces of aged out shit - coping hard and inventing even more dumb fucking shit to entertain themselves and each other with.

Your nasty pussy and your nasty personality - take your self and your nasty group think bullshit to where you belong - for the rest of your fucking arsehole of a life.


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sauger1001 7 days ago

Funny how the seagulls know where their bread is buttered. LMAO!

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@sauger1001: Tip Seagulls = Feminist KFC.

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@sauger1001: Ewwwwwwwww Gamey Wild Meat? Toxic Shock Tip Wings...... Fuck - imagine all the BAD shit in the Seagul Meat.... Really BAD.... Fuck That.

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