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Media Gaslighting 101

110 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 02 Nov 2024 / In Mensen & blogs

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mrghoster 4 maanden geleden

Oh dear! that sneaky pro0mo has just made my hard on for your channel go limp! lol! that is the type of SHIT THEY do, didn't expect that deception from you joker, Bye!

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mrghoster 4 maanden geleden

Women go on about standards and what they DON'T want from a MAN rather than what they DO want, we all know that fucking DELUSION, and the broken record that is scratched and plays continuously ( by the way a RECORD for the younger one's is like a CD but bigger and plays from the outside to the inside) unlike a CD! lol! My point being about STANDARDS is that myself I wouldn't touch a fefail that even had one of those butterfly Tat's above her BUTT CRACK, nether lone being covered in the fucking things. i call tattoo's "Damaged Good's Label's". We also hear now that guys that supposedly "Leave a deposit" in a sperm bank can NOW be expected to pay for a stanger to come looking for a payment when it has the kid? lol! not even getting the pleasure of at least FUCKING it in the first place. They can freeze their EGG's as much as they like but with NO carton to put them in they are fucked. Most whores today have already got empty carton's not full of egg's but numerous CHAD's DNA soaked into the cardboard! lol! Women are finished, MEN are GONE for good, they want to be like MEN? Well MEN have BALL's so women either need to wake up and grow some or shut the fuck up! lol!

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mrghoster 4 maanden geleden

The reign of the stupid women is coming to an end, it cant really workable go any further. MEN have and are still walking in greater amounts because they are sick of this childish fefail attitude to MEN. Yet they are so immature as fefails they cant even reason out what's wrong when they cry into their box wine and wipe the tears away with their cat, Oh why cant we find good MEN?! lol! whilst STILL blaming and shaming MEN for everything that they create and project on the MAN. Nope! I've been done with women for a good few years and believe me guy's they have been and continue to be VERY GOOD years. The thing is they have made MEN impudent by metaphorically making use sterile by squeezing our balls at every turn to a point where any interest of risk with a women is to great, whilst physically we can still do the STUFF we now feel that no need is the option, or rather shooting into a women a tissue is preferable and less hassle. women just don't get it do they? they are in a system made emotional Psychosis, and they somehow think deriding MEN is the answer to getting a MAN? They may bet the odd Simp, but does she actually think even HE wants her. Even Cucks I guess must have their limit's like a piece of pussy then they are off just like their Alpha counterparts? Personally I am enjoying watching it all fall apart especially for women. We keep hearing about what will happen in 20 this or 20 that, but I have the comfort that I WILL probably be dead by then and thus live my life up to that point with little negative change anyways? I don't give a shit about newer generations as they like women don't listen or take any real action as they expect all the Boomers shall we say to sort it for them yet like women blame that generation for it all? Fuck em' I'm doing fine JACK so fuck you. Spent a lifetime playing the rules (well until the early 90's) and have abandoned the box they threw me out of in the day. Result? Life is pretty damned good and I'm NOT being selfish but playing catch up for my "SELFLESS" years, clawing back some of what I lost by following and was ROBBED of by the corruption that is now blatantly and visibly out there. I WILL die in peace as un-affected by the constant lies as I can be, and boy do I look forward to that day, but not before I've seen the outcome of the West's fate! lol!

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QuantMan 4 maanden geleden

@1L39 - Why would the men in the bottom 98% who are invisible to women (fine by me), care what women think? I have been liberated in a sense by recognizing that fact. As an example, if you are not a candidate for the NBA (likely for good reason), then don't go to try outs: you waste their time and your time; better to take up mini golf which can be quite fun.

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Drums_McBashington 4 maanden geleden

Let them gaslight their brains out. They're just shooting their own feet.

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