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Medical Sharia Law: The COVID-19 Hoax ( exclusive)

Published on 24 Jul 2020 / In News & Politics

The level of deception being used to sell the Chinese virus is unprecedented! Never before have we seen most of the world locked down (props to Sweden for not locking down) why are we following the communist Chinese pattern anyways?? It's because of China this whole virus thing started. It's called problem/reaction solution - you create a problem then offer a solution. It's time to get mad as hell and not take it anymore!!!

Watch this video where a doctor breaks down the sweet science of the madness:

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Radical_panda 5 years ago

u can wear it under your chin or your mouth or go to places the police wont go

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chudd 5 years ago

Fuck yes brother.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

Ever since I turned 18, I vowed to never get another vaccine again. I’m a vaccine damaged victim which I have suffered from a chemically induced brain injury know as autism for my entire crappy childhood, I contemplated sucide at age 13 and my anxiety and ocd came from the gardasil vaccine. So what has helped was the CBD Oil that has relieved most of my autistic symptoms and I felt more normal and happy than usual.

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Chad_Hart 5 years ago

Damn bro, some serious shit. Stories like yours are the kind of stories they dont want told. "Safe & effective" when nothing is safe about them, they are effective at jakking up the human body. Theres a reason secret vaccine courts were set up in 1986 so you couldnt sue them.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

It is very sick cruel act of eugenics. First they vaccine damage the youth just to justify outcasting and abusing them just to further justify taking their rights away and throw them into institutionary facilities for further abuse and torture...

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