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Meditations from Dixie National Forest [Part 1]

41 Görünümler
yayınlandı 05 Mar 2021 / İçinde Kişiler ve Bloglar

Part one of a 2 or 3-part video series, about some thoughts and ponderances I had while convalescing in Dixie National Forest, Utah. Enjoy!

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RichardHead 4 yıl önce

So right about so many things. You're on the right track. Whatever events come, remember there are guys out there who love you, (fraternally!), and would have your back if they can.
LOVE the landscapes.

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

I appreciate that so much, Richard. I really do. I needed that right now. The majesty of Nature and the Earth is INFINITELY more beautiful than ANY conceited human female could ever hope to be!

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Hammerhead69 4 yıl önce

My red pill rage comes up when some chick tries the same old scams.

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4_ArchAngel 4 yıl önce

Hello J_C....You mentioned during the course of the video that you have gained a knowledge of herbal [ traditional ] remedies. Is there something out there for skin Cancer?

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

Yes, there is! I've helped a kid completely get rid of his eczema with herbal remedies, colloidal silver, nascent iodine, and having him wear a crystal bracelet. I've helped my friend's mother suppress her stage-3 stomach cancer, and beat it into submission to where it was basically quarantined and harmless. So yes, let me look at my compilations of natural medicine notes and I'll get back to you!

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

I've been very busy and preoccupied, but I haven'tforgotten about you bro! I'll post my findings for you today; I'll go thru my literature and notes.

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4_ArchAngel 4 yıl önce

@Johnny_Cage: Thanks J_C - , I will look forward to giving your efforts upon my behalf a lot of consideration. Thank you.

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

@for_Archangel Liberation_Y: I have broken my findings down into herbal remedies, crystals/gemstones, and health supplements. Just like in the first post, I recommend taking daily drops of oral colloidal silver and nascent iodine. These are always good for any health problems and diseases. I really recommend that you get a couple of crystals: one in the form of a bracelet [left wrist, if possible] and another in the form of a pendant that can be worn as a necklace against your skin on the chest. The crystal I recommend most is Amethyst for all-around healing, cellular regeneration, DNA repairing, and immune system super-charging; I recommend this one as the necklace. This necklace will also work better if it's made out of beads which touch your neck and chest continuously. For the bracelet, find/make one of beads consisting of malachite [green stone], fluorite [green, purple, or rainbow], or aventurine [green or yellow/orange]. Pyrite and garnet are good substitutes as well.

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

@for_Archangel Liberation_Y: I have a super/over- abundance of crystals that I have colected over the past few years. I have many loose beads, bracelets, and tumblestones [smooth, round stones for carrying in the pocket to effect your health, prosperity, energy, etc.] that I don't use because they're for giving to other people when I see them in need of healing. I've already mailed a few of these pieces to a couple of MGTOW brothers on here, and it helped them greatly. I imbue all my pieces with the power of the Sun, Moon, and direct spiritual energy from my body. This amplifies the effect greatly and often is quickly acting and effective.

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

Please do let me know if you want me to send you a few pieces through the mail. I have so many extra ones, and I acquired all these because my intuition told me that people in the future would be in need of them, for various reasons. Healing on a physical and emotional level is the most common reason. I've helped friends, family of friends, and people at various gyms to completely obliterate chronic health problems, emotional baggage/hang-ups/trauma, and also for just happiness and joy and contentment spiritually. I've seen how effective crystals and gemstones are personally, so it's definitely not a bunch of hooey or woo-woo crap. They've been valued throughout all of human history for good reason!

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4_ArchAngel 4 yıl önce

@Johnny_Cage: Hello J_C. I am interested, and, I would like to take you up on your offer. As a rule I don't wear any jewelry aside from my 11 USD Walmart watch, but, I always carry an iten within a pouch in my pant pocket. This Rosary-Bead case is small --- 3" x 3" which is comprised of a Small Scabard and the case which I picked up at Medjugorje and Rosary Beads which I purchased in The Holy Land. I have carried for years, long before Cancer, and I could include one or two small stones. The stones can only be 1/2" x 1/2" to fit in this leather pouch with my Rosary Beads. In any and all event I am going to continue to carry this pouch with me whenever I leave the apartment as I have done for many years.

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