Meet America's New Military Leaders of Tomorrow ??♂️
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Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of "Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor's degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017).
He has been featured on Fox News, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world.
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i kind of want the LGTBQ military, because i really want these people to delete themselves and turn into cannon fodder.
once we get rid of all the cannon fodder, is when our civilization can go back to normal.
well gee i wonder how it could possibly be that individuals with more than half a braincell do not want to join the rainbow 'military'...
so weird.
Jesting aside - this fucking bullshit of the fairy faggots - head shots to all of them.
I genuinely like some gay guys because they are decent can-do "get shit done" guys. They are manly men.
But these softer than a marshmallow faggot fairies... They are genuinely useless and stupid fucking human beings.
They don't deserve a place in the military.
Faggot Trannies in the army etc......
Damn do the men get military issue hair curlers, make up, and tubes of extra sore bumfuck cream?
Oh man,don't get my hopes up! National hero McClains' stroke strikes again? Seenial old lady-- I was fuck how did Pharaoh's daughter Pelosi get in the Senate... man, I wish Carter never opened that Tomb unleasinhg the mummy mommy's curse on us... Westerners. Damn, guess Ole Egypt never forgave us for those Ten Plagues!?
Gay rape--oh that's just Tuesday... I think he mistranslated that Spanish chick, Army chick: "WTF? I joined this military for thst Big White Cock so I could get pregnant and do no work. All we have are these faggy little dick whities! Well, atleast they can carry wood together... too bad they don't have wood..."