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Meet Stephanie Copus-Campbell — Australia’s next Ambassador for Gender Equality

Published on 09 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation

Looks more like the Ambassador for the Lizard People!

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Oh fuck this.

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Longshanks 2 years ago

It's important to avoid mainstream messaging and iconography as each radio/TV wave and IP packet of Clown World is launched to confound and distort. It is designed to disturb your spirit.

You must protect yourself with neutralizing incantations and sigils lest whatever madness is in the eyes of that foul creature leaps upon you and drags you to abyss from whence it came.

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When I was a kiddy in Grade 3 or 4, one of the mums rostering at the tuck shop (schools canteen) she was the genuine article with orangy brown cats eyes... I got in the que andlooked up at her when I got to the front of the line and had a good look at her and went "Yeahhhh far out" - silently and then I asked her for some teeth rotters... She looked just like this person (?) did in the eyes... Or more or less exactly like this cat...

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I have only ever met one person face to face who had the genuine cats eyes in my entire life..... The other one was a guy that guzzled tons of colloidal silver and turned blue - well a dull flesh toned kind of mauve..... Contrary to all the photographic enhancements to "bring out the blue" flesh doesn't dye blue from silver in the cells, it if a dead-ish grey dull and not terribly strong purple colour.... Sort of realistic as it gets...

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Longshanks 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: so your lunch lady had a circular orange face and large cat-like eyes?

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Longshanks 2 years ago

The colloidal silver media prank...

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slapmonkey 2 years ago

F that shit. That lanslide of a fuck up called tolerance led everyone in to this mess. As it stands the human race can't tolerate each other let alone this horse shit. I say back up the integration train for the next 100 yrs and see were we end up first.

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schismatix 2 years ago

I've seen the thousand cock stare, but now I've seen the thousand demon stare that cannot be exorcised. Also, fuck this.

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I don't hate legit trans people - it's just how they turned out. But I am very much against the delusional lefty WOKE bullshit - and while I don't know this person, and I have no experience to base an opinion on - but the bigger bullshit trip of all this globo-homo corporate crap - I wish this person would wrap a few turns of det-cord around their neck and just pop their head off....

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I am just tired of this crap. Fed up with it.

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schismatix 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I'm tired of all of this. Also agree that I don't hate any actual person, I hate people that try to force their ideologies rather than convince. It's something that's never going to go away though, so there's two solutions. Leave, or try to convince others that this is wrong . Seeing your posts, I think you know the right path to take =P

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@schismatix: Jesus and the holey spirit have told me that you need wifing up with a nice girl.

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