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Memes Of The Week #106 - MGTOW

Published on 19 Jan 2024 / In People & Blogs

Sponsor Link: Haakon The Good

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

Hey everybody welcome to another episode of memes of the week. You can support this channel through the Paypal and Subscribestar links below to keep me making this series. Any and all donations are helpful. Before I get on with the memes first a word from today's sponsor Hakkon The Good:

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That fat chick looks like a lamprey that just attached to it's host and refused to let go....

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

Ho, ho,ho, Santa Claus is beating it in Townsquare...

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Mustang 11 months ago

4:04 Mental Illness Personafied. SMH.

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Mustang 11 months ago

I wish every Simp could see that Thumbnail Pic before they asked their Girlfriend to marry them.

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zdoctor 11 months ago

WHAMAN IN GENERAL ARE MORE WORRIED ABOUT THEMSELVES AT THAT MOMENT THEN THEIR OWN FUTURE........whaman as i always say after the age of say 35 whaman are valueless on average. ..lets ask none question.......if you had a whaman either girlfriend or wife and had to exist with them during a war or some major state of emergency would that whaman be a liability or would she be an asset??? we know on average shes a liability.. . .you will have to provide food, security, clothing, etc.... and you might have to go out and hunt how will she be protected??? .,...not shes a liability.!!!!!. ....and if you ask a whaman what would you do if men all died at 12pm tonight.....ask those whaman where would you get food from and you will have a real time understanding on how dumb whaman are and what a liability they really are.. . . yes some will have an idea and MIGHT be able to live on their own but on average many whaman would die.....the funny thing is if civilization had a life altering problem like war you would be able still survive with say 2000 whaman to re populate the world although it would not be pretty for them at all.......ITS COMING i hate to say. . . . . whaman are strong and empowered yet cant change a tire......replace a door knob......hold a job without complaining..........replace a light switch.........or even carry 5 gallons of water for say 2-3 miles.. . . whaman will learn the hard way they ruined their chances of survival from being strong and empowered.......TICK TOCK....TICK TOCK......just wait and watch the clock tick by and soon we will see that they actually hold little value.....LIVE FREE GENTLEMEN. ...PREPARE FOR TOMORROW AS WE KNOW WHAMAN DONT PREP FOR ANYTHING ON AVERAGE UNLESS ITS FOR HANDBAGS AND SHOES.,,,,,AND YES THEY VALUE HANDBAGS AND SHOES MORE THEN ANY MAN OUT THERE.......UNTIL THEY NEED MEN...OR SHOULD I SAY UNTIL THEY WANT TO USE MEN.

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silverkinguk27 11 months ago

True, I remember one Australian feminist man hating lezbo on insta, she featured her expensive handbags and gluten free drinks on there.

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Lucifer333 11 months ago

Not sure why they didnt kick the jews out...they weaponized women an minorities and the men let it happen

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