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Memes Of The Week #110 - MGTOW

Published on 28 Jan 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Hey everybody welcome to another episode of memes of the week. You can support this channel through the Paypal and Subscribestar links below any and all donations are helpful. Nothing is too big or too small. Also before I get on with the memes first a word from today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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zdoctor 11 months ago

AMAZING HOW WHAMAN USE MEN FOR FOOD DATES.......and the funny thing is how whaman complain about patriarchy. ...when you compare what whaman offer compared to what men offer its pretty easy to tell........whaman offer sexual contact in which she will troll you into dates with them while men offer EVERYTHING else ( ie MONEY ). ..SO EVERYTHING MEN HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IS MONEY....... and this is why you NEVER have to worry about men scamming whaman for dinner dates as whaman push in your face they want patriarchy to end YET taking a whaman on a date is patriarchy itself.... as all they do is lie and use men for dinner dates then complain about patriarchy..( YES ALL WHAMAN ARE LIARS...ALL OF THEM ) ....this is why you should not even be involved with whaman for ANYTHING AT ALL!!!!....including sexual contact. .....STAY AWAY FROM EVERY ONE OF THEM.....GIVE THEM NOTHING AT ALL EVEN IF YOU SEE THEM STUCK ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. .....GIVE THEM NOT ONE DOLLAR.......GIVE THEM NOT ONE SECOND OF TIME........GIVE THEM NOT ONE MONENT OF ATTENTION!!!!! ..........walk away gentlemen. ....every time you give them the time, money or attention you CANT complain about being used.....ITS YOU LETTING WHAMAN USE YOU!!! .....gentlemen you are not being used you dont realize you just made yourself a victim of being used. ....SO STOP LETTING WHAMAN USE YOU GENTLEMEN AND AVOID THEM AT ALL COST!!!!. ....FROM NOW ON IF YOU SEE A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS CALL THE POLICE AND LET THEM TAKE CARE OF THAT DAMSEL........AFTER ALL YOUR THE WORKING MAN PAYING TAXES FOR THOSE POLICE OFFICERS TO SERVE WHAMAN. ........LET THOSE OFFICERS THAT ARE GETTING THEIR PAYCHECK FROM YOUR TAXES DO THE PETTY BULLSHIT JOB OF BABYSITTING WHAMAN. .....in time those officers will see just now much of a waste of resources whaman use and im sure those officers also see the rise in , alcohol abuse, drug abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, and suicide involving whaman these days!!! ....which by the way all those listed issues are at an all time high for whaman in history.......THAT TELLS YOU ONE THING.......AVOID THEM ALL!!!!!

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Mustang 11 months ago

1:38 PS Men, this is why you should always go out on a Coffee Date the first time if you insist on chasing Pussy. If she shames you for being cheap, tell her to go pound sand!!!

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Mustang 11 months ago

1:38 Wow, Simps must really be desperate for a Relationship when they take out a 5 for 6 expensive meals a week. I get so disappointed in my fellow men when they simp after 304's like this. SMH.

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sbseed 11 months ago

let me correct something here, 'relationshits', your welcome.

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

I love the Leonardo DiCapio chart... so true... Empty egg carton! Lizzo vs, Gorlock The Destroyer! Yeah, I am all for the male infertility pill-- just how long until it wears off? If you go Passport Bro, it might prevent any unwanted complications.

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sbseed 11 months ago

or better yet, do not engage in the first place... celibacy is the best way to make completely sure.

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