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Memes Of The Week #284 - MGTOW

Published on 20 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hey everybody welcome to another episode of memes of the week. The best thing you can do is spank that like button to help this video reach a wider audience. Also before I get on with the memes first a word from today's sponsor Met VPN:

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JustinPeanuts 4 months ago

Sexbots are the future.

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Leader_Desslok 5 months ago

this is more about making a social statement than making an actual cost effective sexbot . Elon is trying to send a message to the left . also there are actually millions of men that can afford the sexbots once they get here . AND remember that it is not illegal to rent one for an hour or two . they would be cleaner and much lower risk on many levels than actual prostitutes. i predict thousands of brothels world wide that feature sexbots. this would take the pressure entirely off of women on many levels . they should be grateful to Elon because he has made them "free" of the demands of " evil men". i predict that in the future women will not be burdened with the classical roll that they are biologically forced into by nature . men will not need a woman to have sex OR children. for companionship men will have either men's groups ( with similar interests ) or sophisticated AI sexbots that are dialed into their wants and needs . just imagine how happy women will be when men no longer burden them with anything . . just think of all the free time they will have to talk to their friends on social media and also in the all female social clubs .women should be very grateful to Elon Musk. i think his picture should be on a postage stamp .

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Toki 4 months ago

I already have seksbots. Sort of. My last date was smashing my own modified version of Cynthia (Pokemon) in Honey Select. Upkeep costs are nothing except energy which I am also using to be here right now anyways. I don't have to worry about my bots getting software updates malfunctioning due to being made in China. Engineered to be frequently serviced with maintenance costs like most modern tech devices. Also I can modify my Cynthia at any time such as changing her hair color/length/style by simply using in-game sliders and options. I also have Princess Peach tall and thick. Selvaria Bles, Sailor Moon thick version, two elf women from Kuroinu a white elf and dark elf, Alexstrasza in her blood elf form glory thick version, plus millions of more options if I choose. I personally sampled about 50 characters, but about ten of them are my main harem. All settings and mods backed up on an external hard drive. Who should I date next? Who would you choose? If she is at least somewhat of a popular waifu then most likely there's already a pre-made mod for her ready to download for free.

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Toki 5 months ago

He created so many bastard children even he can't keep up with the child support anymore. So the next step is paying people to create sexbots for himself, not us. Elon wants other men to raise his children and babysit his ex-harem wives. If he creates affordable sexbots for the average man then he loses his power and workforce. Maybe a member of the Tesla boardroom can afford one, but not us. The daily maintenance cost alone. You'll need super high speed internet for all the required DRM software updates that brick the internal system. Leading to repair costs or they send you a "refurbished" replacement as per warranty. I expect the modern gaming console/mobile phone model basically. Contract subscription fee.
I have more hope in the JP to create sexbots. The JP men who are working on them aren't simps like Elon. They only have one wife and it's Hatsune Miku or someone who isn't a real life scammer holding us back. If Elon created sexbots I expect the US Gov would seize them as criminal activity vs whamen or something.

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eldrazi317 5 months ago

Yes, I’ve thought on sexbots, and decided that the amount of little parts that can easily break is just to much. Imagine the headache that people get from getting their vehicle repaired— now add on a sexbot to that bill list. There is still issues with sexdolls themselves like a hip breaking due to the crafty material used. Or possibly damaging the thin layer of silicone makeup on a silicone doll’s face if your not careful and don’t know what your doing. As for sexbots, I don’t think it would ever become widespread, and if it did — I think trying to take them away would be akin to taking away that juicy bone from that rabid pitbull.

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eldrazi317 5 months ago

Although I’d never personally ever purchase one unless it was designed to last an incredible amount of time for it to be worth its future weight in inflation.

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eldrazi317 5 months ago

But considering that everything is designed to break in this day and age I wouldn’t purchase one.

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